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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. It’s not that they don’t want one. It’s that there’s too much baggage/history/drama and bullshit here for it to work. It’s a great altruistic idea, but ultimately it fails because there’s not enough stability for it to be around.
  2. Congratulations. I hope that honeymoon lasts a long while for you. The next part is….you know what? I’m gonna let you discover that on your own.
  3. Yeah. That’s usually what happens to these things.
  4. Used to have a few people. 2 of them are no longer with us. I don’t really have a board buddy. I’m not as active here as I used to be. If someone wants/need to talk to me, they always can. I’m someone who is willing to listen and extend olive branches/hands/ears/help/compassion, regardless of history, creed, ideals, preferences, etc. There’s only 1 exception to this, but we don’t have to worry about that here, praise be to Cthulhu.
  5. As someone who does exactly these things (along with DJing said conventions): I don’t give two squirtsapiss about what the fuck he thinks. I'm going to continue enjoying my hobby, doing interesting things, meeting interesting people, and going places. He can stay there and slice meat. Fuck ‘EM.
  6. Meh…..they do have some healing properties….but that is only if you not battled Satan or heat stroke that day.
  7. This has never been more apropos.
  8. You know.....I thought the EXACT same thing.
  9. Yet…..not a single fuck was given that day.
  10. I hope this isn't it. Usually, it's just a program (or part of one) going rogue. A couple older versions of MacOS had an issue with the Push and Sync APIs with cloud services. They were patched out at a later date, thank goodness. Many times, a simple restart would fix the services, because it would quit them normally, then restart. Unfortunately, there was a bug in a couple older versions where that service wouldn't right itself. Basically, it would sync, but not get part of the data, so it would re-search for the sync (to complete it), get it, but NOT register that it got it. So it would redo that process over and over, eating up processor speed (and battery on notebooks). Good news is that it is really rare, and keeping up to date/patching normally fixes it. I'm thinking with yours, it's just a rogue service being stupid.
  11. There was a major process glitch in a couple versions of macOS. It’s was really stupid. Only an erase and install would fix it.
  12. Propane unit, huh?
  13. Hmmm……interesting.
  14. ……..That’s life.
  15. Not many, though. They basically gutted the entire soundtrack. This is speaking as someone who HAS that OST boxset.
  16. Yeah.....that's basically the ENTIRE soundtrack.
  17. Those whole thing is a travesty. Everything about it is fucked up.
  18. Lucky you. Sounds like a productive day.
  19. ………Maybe.
  20. Uh huh......
  21. I did not.
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