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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Pretty sure blood comes out of them.
  2. How are you gonna go to Bojangles and not get biscuits???
  3. Oh I know I can get them online. I meant in a store. But I appreciate the links nonetheless.
  4. Yea I don't see much of anything for DOTS but the individual, movie theater boxes. And I cannot for the life of me find those sour DOTS anywhere.
  5. Gushers suck.
  6. If nothing else I appreciate the on demand movies my cable provider puts up during October. And there are tons of Halloween movies in there.
  7. I was looking around online and saw that Raisinets, DOTs, and Hot Tamales are considered bad by a lot of people commenting/voting. Honestly, I love all 3 of those. I also don't mind the wax cola "candy" but it's really pointless. Sugary syrup water in a small, nasty wax bottle. And it's like not even a sip. What's the point? Novelty won't save it here.
  8. They're fine. Definitely not bad enough to ever be near the bottom of the list of candies.
  9. Philly Cheesesteak = Filler
  10. My last job was like that. Almost no one under the age of 40 working there. A lot of people thought I was a teenager, too. So that led to some fun assumptions and conversations.
  11. I mean I appreciate a narrative but if they just kick the door in like BAM WE IN THIS BITCH then I accept that, too.
  12. Most of the ones out here closed within the past few years but we still have one for some reason. It was dead both times I went there.
  13. Eh, give it a shot. Worry about that later if you hit things off. I went on a few dates with guys that were single parents and just focused on my respective dates with them at the time. Wasn't compatible with any of those guys so in the end it didn't matter that they had kids. Just go have some fun and enjoy the moment.
  14. GunStarHero

    WoW Classic

    May Gnomeregan bless you with your Crowd Pummelers.
  15. GunStarHero

    WoW Classic

    I'm with several friends already. Which races/classes did you two go with? What level are y'all? I went Undead Frost Mage cause I'm lame. Also leveling a warrior and shaman very slowly.
  16. GunStarHero

    WoW Classic

    That's a shame. I'm on Benediction (Horde side). Haven't had time to play like I want, but I just hit 40 and got my mount.
  17. Redline 8/10 One of the most beautiful pieces of animation I have ever seen. Redline deserves a watch for its animation alone, but it also absolutely oozes style. This film was hand drawn and took 7 years to complete. It cost way too much to produce and make a pitiful showing at the box office by comparison. (Though with its inflated budget, it was doomed to fall short no matter what.) The movie itself focuses on a racer named Sweet JP and the legendary (and deadly) Redline championship race. I won't spoil anything, but honestly the story is the weakest link here. I appreciated getting to know some of the cast better, but reducing the movie to only two races slows down our pacing. Both races were great and the Redline race was bonkers (shout out to Funky Boy) but it left me longing for more of these gorgeous and superbly animated, framed, and directed races. I cannot stress enough just how fucking cool this movie looks. Every little thing is distinct and each individual character, no matter their relevance or screen time, are unique and interesting to look at. Redline is the ultimate animation eyecandy. Madhouse's enormous talent is on full display here. I wasn't in love with the story, and if this had been animated in a more contemporary way and style, I would have rated this far lower, but god damn is it a feast for the eyes. I'm normally pretty staunch about watching things in their original language but the dub works just fine here if you can't find a subbed version. I was able to watch this on YouTube with ads (which ended up being all of 2 ads total) so that's a fine option as well. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky 10/10 As a huge fan of "so bad they're good" movies, I am always delighted to find one in the martial arts genre. This masterpiece is beyond perfection. I fell to my knees on multiple occasions in laughter watching this film. Ricky has been sent to jail for murdering the man who killed his girlfriend. But the thing is, Ricky is practically invincible and inhumanly strong, so he won't be staying here long. The Warden and his lackeys attempt to torment Ricky and the other inmates but this fucking champion dealer of death cannot be stopped. Gratuitous violence is the norm here, as inmates get their heads caved in and one gentleman even disembowels himself and uses his own intestines in an attempt to strangle Ricky. Everyone needs to bare witness to the greatness that is Riki-Oh. The scene where Ricky's girlfriend is killed is hands-down the best part of this movie and I had to pause and rewind the video several times just to rewatch it. I don't even want to attach a gif from this movie because it's so damn good, I want you to go in blind to the visuals. Please watch this movie.
  18. I was talking about school girl outfits.
  19. Never saw Goonies either. No real opinion of any Back to the Future movies, as well.
  20. Oh I love bad movies but beyond a few scenes in particular, it's more what I'd consider "boring bad" whereas The Room is "funny bad." But that's just me.
  21. Be Chris Evans.
  22. What the fuck are you talking about?
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