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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. You can do IRL streams too in the mean time.
  2. People had been asking for years for Blizzard to rerelease the original WoW as a standalone game. Once Blizz saw the numbers private servers (hosted by people other than Blizz or their affiliates) were pulling in, they decided to launch the original game again. So this is the first time anyone has been able to play the original WoW since 2007.
  3. Attended the WoW Classic Launch today. Got some goodies, too.
  4. There's no comparison for me.
  5. It doesn't matter when something happened cause they deny ever being in the wrong. My mom denies shit she did as recently as this year and as far back as before I was even born. As for my dad, he pretends I don't exist. So that one works out for me.
  6. Vida sin chee chees no es vida.
  7. GunStarHero

    WoW Classic

    There's a WoW Classic launch event out here Monday. Blizz is involved, but not hosting. Mostly streamers. Apparently you can attend in person, but it's limited to 100 attendees. Pretty sure it's going to be super lame, like a high school pep rally. At this point I'm debating on going for either off chance I can get some freebies or simply watching the launch come to a screeching halt because of overloaded servers.
  8. We're no strangers to love
  9. Bless your heart = You fool. You absolute buffoon. You monumental idiot. Your weakness will consume you and your bloodline will fade from existence because of it.
  10. Not technically a commerical but still
  11. Just like your thread.
  12. Knew some guys in high school that would take turns exchanging dick kicks everyday after class. All white.
  13. Been using this for years:
  14. Thrift shops, eBay or the mall.
  15. Naraku's dad: YOU MUST CONTINUE OUR FAMILY'S LEGACY! Naraku:
  16. When I lived in Texas, out in the country on a ranch, I used to have to check for bugs before showering. One day, I found a huge scorpion waiting for me. So me, ass naked, grabs a shampoo bottle to crush him. For whatever reason, every time I tried to kill him, I just ended up ripping off a limb. Like I hit this poor thing about 6 times before I finished the job. Was pretty sure the scorpion mafia was and still is after my life for that execution.
  17. I got 3 Magikarps, a 4th Magikarp that insists he is a Gyrados, two fat Raticates, and one hyper Rattata.
  18. My little sister is blind and when she was younger I had to watch and guide her when we went shopping. Mom didn't pay us much mind so when my sister pitched a fit about anything I'd walk her into things or give her the wrong info. Like tell her the wrong number of stairs, but hold her hand so she didn't actually fall. Was it the best idea? Probably not. But she did quit making a fuss after a few times.
  19. GunStarHero


    I have nothing to add to this thread. But you reminded me that I once had a therapist that was, like, stupid attractive. She was so gorgeous, my guy. Please be proud of me for being in her presence.
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