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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. Ah yes, the time has come for me to raid the local Walgreens for discounted sweets!
  2. They had a room like that at some magic shop in my home town. By the time I was old enough to go in I had created so many theories about the room. Is it the real magic? Dangerous magic? Is there a fucking Rancor in there? Magic booze? Straight up porn? Gore? It was a fucking dildo room that had a small area for adult gag gifts. I was so disappointed.
  3. I fit squarely into your age range and remember not only porno DVDs at the video rental stores, but porno VHS, too.
  4. I cannot have kids, but would like at least one some day. But even with adopting, I'm not sure I can properly support a child with my current income. I don't have to be super mom but I want to at least make their childhood enjoyable and set them up for success after they become adults and move out on their own.
  5. Naruto can only transform into what he sees and he had not seen a vagina so he didn't know how to make one or assumed everyone has a peen. That's my new head canon.
  6. Sounds like a fetish episode. Also he doesn't change his genitals when he transforms? How does this work, what are the rules here. Cause it's not just his face. Why did the piss glisten? R. Kelly-sensei, pls.
  7. Hey, so, what the fuck?
  8. Wish I could find the post that that incel made about women being forced to sleep with men or else they'd be sent to the manual labor mines. But he phrased it in such a way that it was basically a bunch of buff lesbians having an orgy in the mines.
  9. Syrup and ground beef sandwiches are amazing.
  10. You dare challenge me in my domain!? Hail to the king!
  11. I liked the one WETA made for the Halo movie that got canceled and later became District 9.
  12. I want to help you, I really do. It's just that I'm not going to.
  13. I love Outlaw Star. Its my favorite anime of all time. Hilda is my favorite character from the show, too. She's fairly enigmatic so we don't get to learn too much about her past which I think works in her favor. But I really enjoyed her forcing Gene forward in his story. She didn't have to, like you said, but it says something about her that she even bothered.
  14. My whiteness is so powerful it consumed my asianness.
  15. The movie they made a few years ago was pretty good, too, if you haven't seen it.
  16. Dragonball has some of the most boring characters of any anime, which is saying a lot. Goku is so fucking stupid and falls ass backwards into victory half the time. Vegeta is one of the only actual characters in the entire series. As for anti-heroes, I always enjoyed characters like Wolfwood in Trigun and Hilda in Outlaw Star. Wolfwood is arguably inherently good, but he's affiliated with bad people and is not necessarily going about his business in the purest methods. Hilda is more of a no nonsense character. She's not really a good person and is literally an outlaw. However, she pushes those around her in a positive direction by any means, which makes her come off as an aggressive asshole. But without her, the protagonist, Gene, would not have gotten as far as he did, and she acts as a catalyst for him to finally grow as a person.
  17. Local Man Struggles Between Third Depression Nap and Seventh Consecutive Masturbation Session.
  18. Now if only the Halloween shops would start selling hentai phrase books at the register for my shopping convenience.
  19. DNA Ancestry Tests Banned in Alabama Following Wave of Divorces. Sources say the tests revealed many couples were not as closely related as they initially thought. Others were mortified to discover their partners were not 100% white swampbillies.
  20. Yes it is. You might see this as an alternative to rotisserie chicken or to quickly make chicken that can be easily shredded. I never do this, though. Poaching maybe but not full on boiling. As for cleansing the chicken I am unsure of that even being true. You remove things from the chicken when boiling it for too long so if anything else it's going to taste a little worse, imo. And when people boil their chicken they usually add other ingredients to the pot, too, but it sounds like this is just the chicken going solo.
  21. It's been an on and off thing. Been doing the chef thing for the past 4ish years, though.
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