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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. I'm biased because I'm Scottish. So Scotland is my favorite even though, admittedly, it's a pretty shite country.
  2. Ravie is extremely active on Xbox Live. Last I checked, Heshi was equally active on PSN.
  3. You're getting better, mochi.
  4. Goldar KL Sajey Corny super el retardo inuyashas kagz DRD2001 gobacktosleep log1x Heshi Rocketto Dan There are lots more but I'm having trouble distinguishing between the names I knew them by and what they went by on the boards.
  5. Japanese and Indian (Native) girls make me weak. Well, the pretty ones anyways.
  7. GunStarHero


    Oh! I play this game, too! Except I always lose.
  8. GunStarHero


  9. What's the matter? Not enough pseudo fights to pick on here? Gotta kick up the dust under the guise of a reddit-based diss game and hope some shit starts? You're a carebear with an inferiority complex you use to channel into your "troll" bravado. You are literally as edgy as the pile of shit you dress yourself as. What's the big, bad Serge gonna do? Gonna cry in my inbox again and act like it was part of the plan all along? Hey, I heard Halo is still around. Might wanna sprint to the nearest gaming forum to tell everyone how much it sucks since you've been doing that for practically 15 years. Actually you probably have them all bookmarked. Which one is your homepage? You are literally trash. You are the perpetual dunce cap king of your malformed, insipid, and repugnant kin. You couldn't troll your way out of the paper bag of shit you lit and put on your own doorstep. If I feel one thing for you, it's pity. You have to keep crawling back to this group of people because they despise you just enough for your dumbass to mistake it as love. Tell me something, do you live alone or does your mother still have to print your screen caps of "raging" forum users and put them on the fridge for you?
  12. I mean guys can say they don't like transwomen all they want but we all know deep down that's what they really want. Deep, deep down. All the way down. Way past the tip. Deep down. In the butt.
  13. Is this another one of those avant-garde masturbation threads?
  14. If it's any consolation, when I was working at Wal-Mart I had these two guys walk by my aisle as I was filling the shelves and they stopped, and shouted "HEY!" and I looked up thinking they needed help. Nope. Instead they just said "You're a fucking faggot!" and laughed while they walked off. OK, a bit harsh. Asked my supervisor would could be done about that and was told basically nothing. Protocol was to ask them to stay where they were so I could get a manager and have them escorted out. As if. Anyways, they came back three separate times and would go to my area and shout to the heavens their precious opinion of me. Come to find out they were former employees, the original two anyways since, by the end, there were four of them doing this. Never got any additional details but I did put in my two weeks and got moved to the backroom until I left. People suck sometimes.
  15. NEO GEO AES says hi.
  16. Every time I dive into the whole Sega Japan vs. America I get lost in all the speculation. I just know that Sega Japan hired someone to take down Nintendo in the US market and the guy succeeded but Japan...didn't like how much they succeeded? I never got too far into the Dreamcast's library, but I went in deep on the Genesis and Saturn. (These days the whole Saturn thing is way too pricey for me to just buy games to try out. I only have 4 games atm, but one is Guardian Heroes and the price on that one alone is insane.)
  17. Wasn't there a bunch of issues Sega had with the guy in charge of the American Sega company?
  18. Cheap ass syrup doesn't deserve the fridge space. Premium syrup can go right ahead though.
  19. The Dreamcast had plenty of good games, just like the Sega Saturn did. Doesn't mean they're easy to find, though. After the Genesis, Sega lost a lot of ground in the North American gaming market. Did much better in Europe and Japan.
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