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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. It was because of the time I went brundlefly, wasn't it? Dammit.
  2. That guy gets more action than Zeni ever will.
  3. Shit, I don't know. I was making this up as I went along. Um, how about Cap'n Crunch? Yeah, for all the times his cereal cut the roof of my mouth growing up. Nothing like some blood to go with your breakfast cereal. Bastard.
  4. Too late, dammit all to hell!
  5. So, so, jealous. Congrats.
  6. Seems reasonable enough. Agreed.
  7. Awesome. I may have need of your services someday soon.
  8. I went 13 years without one. I was fine with it. Then I met someone on FB last year, and things clicked. If you're happy where you you are, keep it up. If you're not, change it up.
  9. Mine is the last one I added to the post your pic thread. No need of huting anyone's eyes by showing it again.
  10. Darn. I had need of a debt collector, too. Oh, well.
  11. - The starting conversation that Zeni has with himself in the bathroom mirror every morning. This goes on for 45 minutes. ...and he says he isn't mentally ill.
  12. You passed out from drinking that piss water you call alcohol. That's what happened. Your mom then walked into your room, saw you with your hand down your pants, shook her head in disgust, and walked right back out.
  13. That's the point. It really would be a shame if it should happen to you, too. Not really. Karmic justice, perhaps.
  14. Vin_Tybul, same as my user name here.
  15. They are watching you right now, and they don't like you talking about them. At all. Expect multiple anal probings in your future. Maybe wearing tin foil underwear will help?
  16. Yep. It's me again. So, can this be fixed, again, or, is it suck it up and live without it, buttercup? Hmm? HMMMMM? Yay, fixed again!. Thanks. So, is the custom rank causing the problem? If it is, I... I guess it can go.
  17. I don't care. Seriously, though, you're the one. The magic 8-ball said so, therefore, the proof is irrefutable. Yep.
  18. Now I can't see who has liked mah posts again. Can everyone else see theirs?
  19. I'm pretty sure it is. Welp, the secret's out now. Damn, what have I done? Who am I kidding? They're not going anywhere. Dammit, again.
  20. You know this place is the only thing acting like a leash for him, right? Take that away, and he'll be free to spread his creepiness to the world. Like, the bubonic plague of creepiness. Dammit, man, think of the children!
  21. You could always make love to a live light bulb socket. That's what true alphas do.
  22. I wondered that, too. So I guess the term Millenials solves that little problem nicely and neatly.
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