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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Thankies. I asked for it around the time I was using Stone Temple Pilots' "Purple" album cover as an avatar.
  2. Same here. Gen Y sounds cooler, to me, than Millenials.
  3. Gen X, and Gen Y. I've always considered myself just Gen X, though.
  4. You're assuming he can even find his micropenis.
  5. Tomorrow is another day.
  6. And you would know all about that...
  7. You eat lobster...
  8. Which is all over the walls, furniture, etc. in his room. Creepy little bastard.
  9. I don't remember exactly, but someone asked about custom ranks, and I guess Luuv okayed it. There was a thread about it, but I don't remember the title, or which folder it was in. Getting older is a pain in the butt.
  10. Ooh, I can see 'em now. Thank you, thank you very much.
  11. So, how do I go about seeing who likes my posts and whatnot? I used to be able to, before the switch, but now? No bueno.
  12. Fake it 'til you make it?
  13. If Gozer ever asks you if you are one, say yes. That's how that works, right?
  14. But it's Sunday, Mr. Badass. No school today, remember?
  15. You're just one badass motherfucker, aren't you?
  16. Now, where's the fun in that?
  17. I've noticed in the movie "Zeni Gets the Girl" Zeni never gets the girl. Oh, and there is no girl. It's just his hand, and even his hand turned him down. Damn.
  18. You dork. Yes, I'm calling you a whale penis.
  19. Sorry about that.
  20. I just want to know how he came up with the name Rebecca. It's his mom's name, isn't it? That would explain so damn much. I get Norman Bates vibes from Zeni, anyway.
  21. Hell, I imagine so, Jabbagundam. Fat bastard.
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