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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Crazy, like you live in your own home, are responsible, date women your own age, and no longer drink bottom shelf piss water. Yeah, that's crazy, alright. For you, weirdo.
  2. You're stupid as fuck. But, in this instance, it appears she just drew a random shape, got an idea from looking at it, went back and made it bigger, then sketched the rest of it. I've done it, too.
  3. Houdini Splicer


    ... Well, then. I didn't catch anything after the first sentence. Damn, Zeni.
  4. Houdini Splicer


    So, are you bragging about not being able to keep a woman for long? That's like Zeni bragging about going through three boxes of Kleenex a day... sad as hell.
  5. You fucking Munchkin. Go back to the Lollipop Guild. 😆
  6. It's a heart attack, you blob.
  7. And then Zeni snaps back to reality, out of his perverted fantasy, as Nasty Nate furiously plows his backdoor, while all the other inmates are lined up waiting their turn.
  8. Damn you, Pedo Pedro. Wanting to show porn to a roomful of children? You are one sick fuck.
  9. You could pretend it's Raisin Bran. Wouldn't be the same, though.
  10. Invite Packard. Or fuggs. They will leave. Guaranteed.
  11. Oh, well, that's all fine and good, then. See nothing wrong with that.
  12. But who, or what, is seeing and hearing all this? And to what end?
  13. Lovely. A trip to the bathroom would be quite an experience.
  14. If the room is so full of eyes, how can anything else fit in it? Is... is this where the mind blown GIF goes? Or is the answer bacon? The correct answer is always bacon.
  15. Damn, Zeni wants fuggs BAD. Could this be a love connection? LOL
  16. Just like your stomach muscles, Mr. Muffin Top.
  17. Are you even trying anymore, or is the well of creativity that damn dry?
  18. There you were, outside her window, with your pants around your ankles, tugging on your tiny pecker, when her dad pulls up. Zeni was frozen in his tracks, in mid-jerk, as the girl's father made a beeline for the pedo, and proceeds to beat the living shit out of Zeni for 45 minutes. Eventually, the cops are called, and Zeni's carcass is dragged off to jail, where he gets his ass pounded day and night, forever and ever, amen.
  19. Excuse me, but are those Bunghole Boy jeans you're wearing?
  20. Are those stretch marks on your face?
  21. Get off of my lawn, you piggly son of a bitch. 🐷
  22. I bet you look like Fat Albert when you run.
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