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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Well, Zeni can turn bottom shelf liquor into piss. That counts, right?
  2. The Greatest American Hero. Awesome. ...I'm old.
  3. You shouldn't be. You're a beautiful woman. ☺
  4. Yeah, her weight.
  5. It's what you shove up your ass while blowing hobos. And you let your niece play with it? What the fuck, man?!
  6. Go outside and start screaming at the kid, too. Hell, everybody line up and wait their turn. You could sell tickets, and make a tidy sum. At least scream at him, though. Freak the mom out.
  7. Oh, they do. I see them all the time. About how you love sucking hobo cock under the boardwalk. Others see them, too. I'm sure another one will pop up soon. Hell, this one is about that. See, they exist.
  8. Or adorable to ahahahaha! Jabbagundam...
  9. Never said you did. Yet the posts still exist.
  10. All the posts telling of your love of vagrant baby batter.
  11. ...and blowing hobos. Never forget that.
  12. Yes, your dream of turning into Jabba the Hutt is nearly complete. Congratulations. *golf claps*
  13. Yeah, it makes perfect sense. I downloaded it last night. Haven't finished yet. Damn satellite internet, lol.
  14. Cool. Always wanted to play that one. Is it a lot of fun?
  15. Which Tomb Raider game?
  16. VERY relaxed muscle. 😄
  17. Oh, yes, sorry. Moobs. My bad.
  18. Ask Zeni about that, with his manboobs.
  19. Your mom is just trying to keep the lone wolf alpha male down. Get up all in their faces, with the smooth malt liquor lingering on your breath, and show those betas who's boss. And record it on your phone... for posterity. Then post it on Youtube. Nothing to do with us seeing your ass get kicked. Nope.
  20. Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! You look like the bastard son of Marlon Brando and Ricky Ricardo...
  21. The air feels... greasy. *vomits*
  22. I can feel the fucking desperation coming through the screen...
  23. The bad thing? I can totally see this happening.
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