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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. Happy birthday, dude.
  2. Got some Brioche loaf and Challah before and after baking.
  3. Take this: ()xxxxxx}{;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> [BAMF Blade of Beelzebub] *Cursed ATK: +9,001 DEF: +1,337 DEX: +666 AGL: +7,777 Special Ability: Stabby stab staaaab
  4. Use this thread to share esoteric and excessively convoluted vernacular. I vehemently request each post have at least one uncommon English word (or foreign word that has no English counterpart, e.g. schadenfreude) and a definition. I shall commence the wordsmithing... Chicanery n. (Sheck-ain-ery) the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose. The congressman's political chicanery undermine s the core values of this nation.
  5. Unfortunately for everyone, I am in the 30-35 demographic
  6. I approve this.
  7. Correction: If it breeds, I can breed it.
  8. I propose we scout for talented (and hawt) cross-dresser femboys aged 19-26. We could call the group "Otokonoko & Co." but instead of metal or bubblegum pop, they'll perform Bossanova style jazz.
  9. Dead... if I'm lucky.
  10. Dogs are just terrific in my book
  11. Japanese-style rice flour confection filled with middle-eastern/Mediterranean baklava filling, topped with more baklava filling, filo dough flakes, and a honey syrup drizzle... AKA Baklava daifuku mochi
  12. Last drank I had was the Aviator Brewing Co. "3 Bones" Kölsch Style Ale Would drink again if presented with one, however I prefer darker beers by nature. This beer has a nice amount of hops, decent flavor, and smooth consitency. 8.93/10
  13. ****Eyes light up with joy & enthusiasm**** EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I enjoy all types of coffee and tea, hot or iced. The thing is I prefer my coffee as lightly roasted as possible, as the lighter roasts have more caffeine than the darker ones since heat denatures the stimulant potency of caffeine. I also only do coffee more for a jittery blitzkrieg caffeine over dose to get through my busy day, but when I chill and relax (chillax), I enjoy a nice hot cup of fresh steeped loose tea. Though in the hotter summer months I do some tea variants iced, eg. Lapsang Souchong, a Chinese black tea roasted over pine wood for a nice smokey flavor and aroma with a splash of 2% milk and some turbinado cane sugar. Iced green teas are also excellent in the dog days of summer.
  15. I AM HERE!!!!! WHO HATH SUMMONED ME?!?!?!?!?
  16. Real talk, man. Seeking out a bloody end has it's appeal in the darkest of our days. Keep this in mind, I will not insist or even suggest you find happiness or snap into a stable emotional state, but I will say this; instead of thinking of ways to die do your best to find an excuse to continue for another day/hour/minute. That's how I cope with my subtle, lingering, nihilistic death wish. Either way, this thread may be moved to DF, but I figure there's no harm in throwing in my two cents. I won't tell you not to die, but I will suggest that for your own sake, that you continue to live. Just find some person, be they family, friend, S.O., or crisis line to vent. Sometimes a death wish is merely pent up frustration coming to a boil.
  17. LOL, he named the rabbit "Bloodfart". Though, I did change my dog Shyre's last name to McChilibiscuit at the vet's office because they required his last name. I get it.
  18. Y'all muthafukahz are thirstier than salmon in a vast arid desert.
  19. ****Is rendered 100% deaf by the screams in my internal monologue****
  20. I excel at the mobile game "Game of Dice" without buying in-game items
  21. #YOGURT
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