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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. PhilosopherStoned: The Sonic Alchemist.
  2. Word up, buttercup! I gots Ti Kuan Yin in the tea cupboard.
  3. Okay, I will commence the rage. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! ***knocks a coaster off of the coffee table*** I'm sorry you had to see me like this; I'm just EXTREMELY IRRITABLE right now due to caffeine withdrawal.
  4. I used to be a pillar in my community; don't let this happen to you.
  5. I mean I was getting fucked up by just the quantity of caffeine I was doing in a day, which was a LITERAL FUCKING GALLON of coffee every morning. I don't want to die yet...
  6. an all male squirrel orgy at the Skippy manufacturing plant.
  7. Now I am going to distill myself, thus I will become a quality pussy liquor.
  8. Do you know Isabelle Ice?
  9. I, too, am seeking employment.... veddy interesting.....
  10. I ship it.
  11. Dark forces are at work....
  12. There comes a time in a man's life when he needs to wash his pussy thoroughly.
  13. i guess cau is a total... "BEEFCAKE". LOL plz end me
  14. I am angered by this post! Banana Walnut muffins 4 lyfe! ***tips over an empty plastic red solo cup in a fit of unbridled rage** WORLDSTAR!
  15. Chitlins would be lost without cornBREAD
  16. Bread, though not the most flavorful or exciting food is in fact the most relevant to human society and also most important in the development of human civilization. Bread is in the base for many delicious foods. Without bread there will be no sandwiches, no pizza. Beer would not exist as beer is liquid bread. Without the development of agriculture there would be no bread but without bread there would be no need for merchants, mills, granaries, breweries, bakeries, or commerce to begin with. Bread has ingredients (flour, yeast, sugar, water, butter, etc.), yet it is often an ingredient in it's own right. Bread is also a metaphor for resources, money, a means to sustain oneself. There are also several varieties. Some countries such as France, India, Germany, and Israel have their own regional breads. (Baguette, Naan, Pumpernickel, and Challah respectively) There is even an entire manga and anime series adaptation said manga called "Yakitate Ja-Pan!" which focuses solely on preparing and baking bread. Peter Kropotkin's manifesto on socialism was entitled "The Conquest of Bread." Even in the scope of western religion, bread plays a role; the communion is bread, the Passover Seder of Hebrew faith is practiced with Matzoh, unleavened bread, and to bring it around full circle, the last supper in Christianity which is symbolized by the communion WAS a Passover Seder. tl;dr Bread is and was and will always be a cornerstone of the development of human civilization as we know it
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