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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. So in my 2v2 four-player Rock paper scissors, the symbols are re-branded: Rock or talisman is now magic Paper or documentation is science Scizors, which are pointy like a pope hat is religion Science disproves Religion, religion suppresses Magic, magic defies Science it's two on two; Science + Religion = Quantum physics Religion + Magic = Shamanism Magic + science = Alchemy if one team plays matching symbols, e.g. magic + magic or Religion + religion the round is a wash if both duos both play matching symbols it's played as base symbol vs base symbol if all four players play the same symbol; it's a draw Alchemy explains shamanism shamanism transcends quantum physics Quantum physics renders alchemy obsolete alchemy + Shamanism + Quantum = chaos The teams are assigned at random, last minute to avoid collusion and cheating. However, a third person can be called from the surrounding area to enact a wager if the team who calls the wildcard does three of a kind they win triple points for that round, but if they get one of each symbol they get 1 do over at any point in the game if they get neither they lose 1 point and the other team gains 2 points first team to 13 points wins three of a kind is an elemental force Religion x3 = Divine Sovereignty Science x3 = Gnosis Magic x3 =Grande Arcanum
  2. schmahxgn

    I ded

    I wuz ded, but then science brung me back.
  3. I'm just playing with my deck.
  4. And these corpses were once highly motivated people . Stay lazy my friends
  5. Me too, Nabs. Please end me.
  6. What you have to keep in mind, is that is a fictional narrative that the song is based on air go there never were any balloons in real life That were released into the sky that caused a nuclear war .
  7. This movie is highly underrated.
  8. This sounds almost like a 'Trap'............
  9. Yeah, and that grapevine is Zeni himself.
  10. That implies that Zeni is on this dudes level to begin with.
  11. He was gunned down by inner city gang members in the mean streets of Chicago. Scruff McGruff.... Chicago, Illinois.... 60652
  12. Did..... did he drink NyQuil and then go for a swim?
  13. Share this with them.
  14. Only is you slob on my knob...
  15. That is a gato that I must protec....
  16. ()xxxxxxx}{;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>*
  17. Find a gal with a coffee enema and a gal with a milk enema, and you've got a bootylicious latte.
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