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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. Yeah I don't know sometimes it all depends on the location when it comes to certain prices. I've seen the same thing at target. Recently the target i live near got a big renovation so they had a lot of overstock of movies on sale. Too bad I can't say the same about cds, vinyls, and video games.
  2. I like Target. I'm going to buy my new TV from there.
  3. Maybe your height is triggering you into age regression?
  4. Sounds like what I'm doing right now. lol
  5. No blackjack and hookers? What the fuck is this?! #triggered
  6. A lot of what they are doing is required from their fascist ass managers for threat of immediate termination. Even if basic logic tells them to ease off a little on their duties I can understand why they just do what they have to do. I'm guessing that's a reason why the turn over rate at a place like Walmart is always so high, lots of people quitting because of stupid crap they have to do for very little reward or them being fired for said stupid reason.
  7. I usually don't eat at a fast food joint. I'd much rather go to a diner or something to sit down and eat.
  8. I absolutely love this!
  9. Joe Rogan Experience The Ex-Man with Doc Coyle
  10. I'm all in if that's an all angus patty. Those fries too. Yummeh!
  11. That's exactly what I mean. Too much tedium for an arcade style game.
  12. Yeah, don't have the network. Didn't watch or Ydhtn;dw
  13. Chinese restaurants in philly serve cat? Doesn't surprise me.
  14. tbh Blast Corps doesn't seem like the kind of game you would want to loop over and over imo.
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