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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. I'd imagine a lot of people falling off their horses and getting concussions but I could totally see this happening in Pittsburgh. XD
  2. I was following behind this guy while I was taking my girlfriend to work and the guy looked like he kept swerving to avoid stuff but nothing would be there. One could easily assume the guy was drunk but later on down the road I saw another guy nearly blow through an intersection, almost t-boning the traffic ahead of him. The funny thing about this is that it happens every god damn day with random drivers doing stupid shit. I usually spot about 3-5 of them on my 15 min drive to work. Western PA drivers fucking suck.
  3. Jim Lahey would be so proud. :')
  4. god eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
  5. "Yeah!...BECAUSE COMEDY!"
  6. Novelty sex shops are a good place to get into a dildo slap fight with someone.
  8. @Skiles @Em7add4 @empty
  9. I swear sometimes I could play trombone with my farts.
  10. I'm sure there are many ways you can alter a gif to make it look just like that. Especially the way he has his mouth open.
  11. "Its gotten away from me like a cheeky little monkey"
  12. Pics or it didn't happen.
  13. Sorry, I don't support prostitution.
  14. And now I have a job as a delivery driver making $11 an hour plus tips. My @KatEyes is also working and making $12 an hour. So I figure by the end of the summer I'll probably have a good bit of my debt paid off and be saving for a new home to live in. My life is pretty okay at the moment.
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