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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. So you can't make your own stream even if you don't work for someone? I'm confused. If you're unemployed what would be holding you back?
  2. Unless there are metal shavings in your food, I wouldn't worry about it. There are better things to spend your money on if you want to impress a girl.
  3. I've never streamed on mine, but I feel I have a lot of options when it comes to networking and things I would stream. Planning is a good thing because first impressions and all that good shit.
  4. Make a channel of you rapping or doing whatever. Music channels are pretty popular on Twitch as well.
  5. If I had a 30 dollar meal, I wouldn't tip more than 10%. Just a preference.
  6. I literally heard about it a few days ago, so I know very little about it except what a few streamers mentioned. Honestly it sounds more appealing now that you mention that.
  7. Sekiro looks cool. I thought it was an Onimusha sequel at first, had no idea it had anything to do with Dark Souls.
  8. A follower, eh? Dats sum big time shit right thar.
  9. Oh that's you? I've been in there once or twice. *followed*
  10. I'm only really good at guestimations otherwise I'm a total n00b with math.
  11. I love the community and I'd love to start a channel myself once I have the means to do so. In the meantime, I'd like to see how you guys stream games, because loves and supports and stuff.
  12. Baseball season, thanks for the reminder.
  13. Excellent wandering around aimlessly weather.
  14. Just some regular ass white socks that keep my feet warm. The woman got me some black regular ass socks the other day.
  15. Just go man.
  16. Never tried the liquid stuff before. Eh..I can always try something once, even if it's a little more expensive.
  17. Tids Pods and Bounce Fabric Softner Sheets
  18. I always think if you are around girls enough it sort of becomes second nature. For me, I always wanted sex but the problem was there wasn't too many females I couldn't trust and be friends with let alone be a fuck buddy. Eventually I caved in, and I felt really bad about it to, but at least the experience taught me something. Not too long afterwards I was able to find a person I could not only trust and be friends with but have strong feelings for and not feel like a creep.
  19. Nearly blinded me when I was fapping. God damn Dick.
  20. You can hide the wallets up your butt to.
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