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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. Captain Obvious is humorless af
  2. Tortured penis skin flute as fuck!
  3. I mean, I've had whoppers and big macs and its not bad at all.
  4. I have a gf and we fuck all the time.
  5. Machine Gun Missile Shits AF
  6. Flonald Cump.
  7. Tronald Dump.
  8. Let's play a game. Say an inappropriate word and follow it up with (af) to show how cool and with it you are with the net culture and stuff. You don't want to be a ratchet ass scrub to an MTV audience do you? If you aren't than you will practically bust a whole nutsack full of cum for this thread IT'S Cum Farts AF
  9. Damn, give a man some credit. I'd say they more skilled than shelve and cashier monkeys.
  10. I had salad and a homemade breakfast scramble.
  11. For the love of my ballsack please help me!!!!! *tries tearing off leather pants*
  12. GI JOE!
  13. I know that you can emulate, but I have a lot of original hardware. I figure I might as well utilize it, especially OG Sega Games. I know I'd enjoy it.
  14. I'm waiting until I have a legit means of buying a capture card. I'm thinking it might be a hybrid retro gaming/music channel but I'm leaning more towards the retro games I think.
  15. Post it up, man! Anyone with Segata Sanshiro as a sig and an avy must have good taste!
  16. I should be asking you that.
  17. I'm not trying to go anywhere with anything. I'm just trying to give sound advice without trying to assume too much. You on the other hand up to this point haven't been too specific with anything and assumed I knew exactly what you had and what you wanted to do as well as assuming I had some kind of ulterior motive. God damn why the fuck do I even bother? ASSHOLE!
  18. Actually dude you didn't say you didn't just want to be 'a fucking rapper'. Also I do record my own vocals and it isn't difficult at all to understand because I know how audio engineering works, and I've been doing it for years - I'd like to think I'm pretty damn good as well. I may not come from a musical family or anything like that but don't be patronizing and try telling me I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to editing someone's voice. lol Also, if you're recording yourself and doing everything, what's the problem? Seriously, WTF?
  19. Genre has nothing to do with it. A rapper would only really need is a DAW, a midi controller, and a mic (half a grand but can get you good results). If you have the core of what you need, your art will speak for itself. Thinking that you need more technology could be a double edged sword, it can either inspire or dilute what you are trying to accomplish. Also you don't need to do any special video editing. Most streaming software is free and, from what I can tell, pretty customizable.
  20. I'd watch it. If you know people that would be interested and you're real with people, networking is your best asset.
  21. I was referring more to the fact of job security being a factor (as I highlighted in red) but if it's just a matter of money, than honestly you don't have to invest that much. A capture card, and a microphone would be the most expensive thing I could see you investing in. A camera is only optional if you're just starting out. It's up to you if your standards will permit but its not as expensive as you might think.
  22. I've used a lot of old pots and pans over the years and still do. If my assumptions are correct and they're deteriorating and affecting your food then I would get new ones asap, but if not, I say wait.
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