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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. Oh jesus, it's not THAT bad. The ridiculousness of that scene made the game 10x more enjoyable than it should have.
  2. Have it, but haven't played it much. Not sure how much i would enjoy the later levels. How far are you into the game?
  3. I guess old age will do that to you. He should wear a bra tho.
  4. I especially loved def 4 LUL https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=neuro
  5. What would make this better is if they served an angus beef burger with homemade fries on one of those hubcaps.
  6. Giant Eagle, Shop N Save, and Aldi
  7. Why don't you handle my watermelons!! O_o
  8. I mean, I wouldn't really see the point of sprinkles if they don't taste like anything. If fact I remember these particular sprinks being bomb on chocolate cake. (type of sprinkle, not brand)
  9. Yeah, if she were my teacher I'm sure I would've gotten detention. >_>
  10. I always thought sprinkles tasted like candy although it's been a while since I could say I downed a handful of sprinkles.
  11. Send it on up, stand-ups need the support.
  12. Now I'm interested. lol
  13. I concur with this. I'm sure if everyone shut up and smoked this everything would be a touch more friendlier.
  14. I would watch it if it were worth it for me as a wrestling fan, but I'm tired of subjecting myself to what Vince Mcmahon's delusional mind shit outs. That company is so dead to me.
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