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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. Welp, it’s been a fun ride. Thank you Team Dean for making me a part of this, it really meant a lot. And I’m sorry to whoever gets the boot.
  2. We bout to lose dawg! Now I know why Vela called me a hole on one of the Dean memes. Spent a long time crying in the shower, scrubbin’ the filth off.
  3. They really don’t hahahaha we gotta start bribing them motherfuckers.
  4. (Not new, just wanna share for the TZ temp boards later possibly)
  5. I’m technically not even a real Survivalist club member so I should get free reign. But I’m not gonna enhance the fire cuz I’m tuckered out.
  6. Had it in my mind the Toonami/AS folder might be like poking a bear. Which I mean, it’s fine if they don’t wanna be part of the bit. Vela at least made that side of it as inviting as possible.
  7. Say no to “Poob.” Be Above The Influence. Vote for a Commissioner... and a better life.
  8. Team Dean gets the vote when it comes! I won’t be too sour if I lose to Scoobdog, he’s a more than worthy opponent. And I hope André is doing alright after that storm. Credit where credit’s due, André & Disco were all over the place for days hahahaha.
  9. Pretty fucking chilling all the way through. Especially the first five minutes or so.
  10. Can’t wait. The memes on both sides have been top notch, and Ghostrek’s simply a comedic genius with those video transmissions. The humor of using obscure UWE character Lord Edward Fairfax for a slogan is also not lost on me at all.
  11. Team Dean!
  12. That’s me but with driving directly into gas station pumps on SR2 to fly myself and my car into orbit.
  13. Come to think of it...when they took King Star King earlier this year and made that derpy piece of shit, Roiland was all over that. They just let that drop as is after the termination, where both that cartoon and Ballmastrz Rubicon got zero promotion whatsoever. So there is at least one example of them letting his VA work stay in for a more recent product. Rick & Morty isn’t King Star King though. Whether they’d bring him back under some crazy scenario or keep whatever he recorded on the current season, it’d only make things worse publicly.
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