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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. He’s finished. I don’t see them backing out on their firm termination and flipping the ultimate PR 180. His own personal resignations like with Squanch would be easier to reverse. Don’t think even he himself would be that open to the option of returning on R&M. That’s considering the money he’s already made over the years. Seems more probable for him to attempt suing if it really came to it. He’d be even more fucked if he tried, but he did spout “justice.” Or he’ll just continue on as the next John Kricfalusi and fade away.
  2. Redownloaded it as a “oh what the hell” type moment. Might rewatch a few of the Aquadonks, they already got Plantasm/Deathfighter on here.
  3. Isn’t it bad though that they’ve had this as a lingering possibility since December and possibly even before that, and they’re still lost? Not that this show was ever a Picasso painting, but with how much money it’s worth you’d think they’d have something figured out by now.
  4. Gotta respect the hustle.
  5. Oh yeah. Hulu really beat Adult Swim to the punch. Maybe this will inspire them to buckle down and announce their new guy ASAP. The Annecy panel on this subject made them look unprepared.
  6. I’m doing ok! Good to see a familiar name.
  7. Simpsons predicted the concept of submarines losing control. Better go edit some eerie core music over a clip of Futurama’s Titanic episode.
  8. Another from Toonzone made it! Welcome.
  9. It only got progressively worse after AT&T. Just when you think the situation couldn’t get any more shameful.
  10. These are some good museums, ghostrek.
  11. Fucking pumped, but yeah. Just like Venture Bros, seems like they wanna get this out of the way too and release it ASAP. If they even have a Swim Fest at all this year that’s in person, they might have a couple viewing parties.
  12. I went to see Tim & Eric perform *just* before Covid was a known thing, and spent way more than that since I didn’t go alone. People kept walking out all throughout the act. Still a real funny show, and he at least has no problem dealing with hecklers. I haven’t really followed Tim at all since [as] finally told him to kick rocks, so I don’t know what his current set is like.
  13. That’s just the average life. Good working people hardly ever make it ahead. The elites above you usually don’t even have to try, it’s just gifted to them one way or the other.
  14. Getting some Sopranos episodes in for the trillionth time. Ten years without Gandolfini already, wish he would’ve taken better care of himself.
  15. Sad way to go. I guess it’s nice to keep his name private.
  16. Our city is about as insufferable now as every other summer, except the heat will only last longer and longer. Still remember when we reached 75 in December one day not too long ago. The only good thing about 2020 was how cool the outside felt throughout the summer season as everyone stayed inside. I’ll never experience anything like that ever again. Humidity makes all the difference here.
  17. It’s an endless cycle. All I have to do is sit in a DMV lobby to realize we are so... so fucked in a matter of 10 years or less. We haven’t seen the worst yet, but it sure feels like it.
  18. If you’ve gone your whole life having everything handed to you, you’ll be perpetually accustomed to infantile behavior as means of getting your way. They’re the path to world destruction.
  19. Dumb ‘00s web comedy skits that embarrassingly never escaped my sense of humor. “Holy shit, it’s a Bigfoot!”
  20. Just dickin’ around on original Saints Row. SR2 is still the greatest, but this has always been almost just as fun and amazing in its own right. And I love the color palette.
  21. Ouch. Hope you got a band-aid.
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