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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. I like Monarch’s line in the Venture Bros about pancakes getting soggy with syrup after awhile because it’s true.
  2. Last big game that exceptionally blew me away was a sequel which was already almost five years ago. That and some licensed stuff here and there. Which I don’t think continuations are that much to frown upon as long as the game is actually good. I guess it’s part of getting old, but I’m content with that industry not having much at all to offer me anymore. If my Xbox One’s not a Blu-ray player, it’s just the backwards compatibility machine, and it took awhile just for that feature to even reach its fullest potential. But that’s how I’ve used it since forever. All the greatest stuff perished with the 360. I’m hoping for things to someday improve again. The indie folks seem to be winning at least.
  3. Really is a shame what happened to Pizza Hut. Their buffet used to be a family event. The one respectable thing about Lil Caesar’s is how cheap that slop is. Even when they raised the price a bit, they still know their worth as opposed to these crusty ass joints thinking their pizza demands much more.
  4. Wondering how well this will do. Feels like any hype for new episodes has died down significantly. You could say it’s because Hannibal left but the show’s also been around for ten years with the same schtick. It’s still memed to no end online so maybe their audience will pull through.
  5. Used to be a fun place, believe it or not. Besides DT like already mentioned (and I’m well aware that one’s tough to win some over these days), Daily Show and Comedy Central Presents used to be something I’d genuinely look forward to. I don’t think myself or others would ever care much for stand-up comedy if it wasn’t for that channel. They got me into all that Friars Club shit at a young age.
  6. I’m sure they do. Doesn’t make it right.
  7. Catalytic converter thefts are all the rave in these shithole cities. I’d imagine you’d have to be a degenerate fucking cletus to nab a tailgate for scrap.
  8. She’s Someone’s Daughter!
  9. The ‘Previously’ opener was humorously crafted. Love the old time cartoon cops, and I think Edred’s starting to become more and more likeable, even though I never really had a problem with him. Also....
  10. This has all been therapeutic in its own way. It’s also teaching me little by little to start appreciating what’s in front of me right now. You’re not supposed to cling to the past, but hey, look at how swell the present is going. We’ve had the same dipshits in Congress making the decisions our entire lives. We’re usually the nation that hates one another, and it often feels like we have no where else to go but down. I forgot the meaning of unity until last week. Even with something as seemingly minuscule as message boards. On top of remembering what I had back then, it’s just good to see a community that still cares.
  11. Mike Lazzo getting competitive with Seth Green over ping pong I believe was something. Maybe not so much, was funny when they talked about it.
  12. Not the wake up song!
  13. More swamp ass weather. And I’m probably in no position to have any vacation. I’ll have to work like a dog for the rest of the year.
  14. A real letdown if there’s no dub. I still look forward to watching it.
  15. Damn, now I’m jealous. Used to play some Blood Gulch rounds with my friends a few times at this Internet cafe. Halo would be the main reason why I’d even want an original Xbox. That and some other 3D shooters/games that I could never get with Sony. I got the Master Chief Collection and all but I always wanted to test out the original method. Especially with Halo 2.
  16. A little excerpt from 2010 which I happened to like. My fan hype died down for a couple years and the programming around this time briefly snapped me out of it. Squidbillies musical, ATHF reaching 100 eps (remembering the Burger King Carl contest even though that was ‘08-‘09) , Frankenhole, Chrimbus, Boondocks S3, FREAKNIK. Last year for [as] that felt exceptionally special long term. They had some awesome stuff on the online shop during this time too.
  17. Breaking my heart Lisa!
  18. Yeah I’ll probably be dead. Maybe the world will be up in flames by then, even more so. I’d hope the 40th anniversary of ASMB would be just as lovely as this celebration. It’s a terrifying thought for now.
  19. I’ve kept that fat model since ‘01! Very first console of my own. It should’ve died on me a long time ago, but I guess years of it being rarely used or plugged in has helped. In pretty bad shape though. The laser disc has had issues for a decade now. Used to only mishap with one game and now it takes at least a couple or a few minutes to boot up any disc. I’m probably gonna have to buy another one and keep everything else. I know I should just fix these things myself but I don’t wanna risk making it any worse.
  20. Why does he type up ‘Toonami’ on the search bar and actively dig for comments trashing him? Just makes him look insecure regardless of what he’s even talking about.
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