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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. Why does he type up ‘Toonami’ on the search bar and actively dig for comments trashing him? Just makes him look insecure regardless of what he’s even talking about.
  2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mIbUPjtz9Kw&pp=ygUXaWNlIGNyZWFtIGFuZCBjYWtlIHNvbmc%3D
  3. The most expensive thing I do these days is go drinking throughout the week. Otherwise I get in the occasional habit of repurchasing PS2 games or finding some I’ve never played. I should’ve bought an n64 in 2012 when I’d see it go for just 20 bucks. Thought about buying that and an original Xbox, just don’t know if either is worth the hassle. If I bothered to fix my PSP through some electronic place then I could start using that again too.
  4. They’re trying their best for now. I’ve shit talked them over some of their decisions but I really don’t blame or hold ill will toward any of them. And it has been tough for them.
  5. The title makes me laugh every time I read it. Gotta stop quoting these cartoons.
  6. Yeah I wouldn’t be against it, but I don’t know about the people actually running the site. They don’t like promotions. That was a rule they had before the site went down, and I had to specify when sharing the knock off boards that I was just going by my experience. I already know it wouldn’t make a few happy.
  7. “Yeah they got the t’ongs all up in dey buttcrack, and they got that sweet white nectar. Lord have mercy.”
  8. I know what you mean. I love it here more cuz I can just be myself, and this place happens to be more mature. I’m just not in much of a position to reach out to the populous. Not sure if the admins would like the plug either. The temp forums that predates theirs are at risk of being taken down just for the namesake. Which, fair enough. Plus a lot of them aren’t exactly the same demographic these days. I could bring it up to my friend from there but I don’t know.
  9. Haven’t had a bucket of KFC in a long time. No popcorn chicken.
  10. Some alien planets in fiction have been shown to be just vast deserts. So I always wondered where they’d even get the metal resources for the ships.
  11. Well, they have their own official temp boards, which is here at https://forum.toonzone.net But a month or so before, I think either another member or even a mod started an unofficial temp board, which is mostly just me and a friend sprinkling a few of our submissions throughout the week. That’s at https://animesuperherotemp.freeforums.net The latter again is literally just me, a buddy of mine from the old TZ boards, and the admin. But our’s happens to be better to navigate than the official one. I like using it for the weekly Home Movies rewatch thread that I started on New Year’s Day, before the site went down in February. Nobody knows when the real deal is ever coming back.
  12. Before Toonzone’s servers got motherfucked I once saw 40 members (including myself) online and like 650 guests. In their case they had a bunch of robots on their shit.
  13. Hope everyone’s having a good Memorial Day. Yes, I’ll clean the grill.
  14. I mentioned that in my post initially before editing it out since it was more of a big news ordeal. Though they did make an apology bump that I can’t find. That would be the biggest blow-up on the site that I remember. Think they even took down Aqua Teen from the Fix or at least removed innocent clips. Weird time to be a fan. EDIT: Should update this by saying there was this video that caught just about all of the “bump.” Only the very last part was fan-made, shown in the description. Seems like something Bumpworthy would want, but I’ve gone all around that site in the past and I don’t think they have it. I’ve found pics of it on Flickr too but that fan upload seems like the only video capture of it at all.
  15. Can’t wait to get inebriated and hear fireworks at 12AM again and again and again when it’s not even July.
  16. We should just skip on the grocery store and go into a Wawa.
  17. Aww, lovely kitten. And look at the play area you pampered her with! Hope she gets better soon!
  18. Someone once used the bump opportunity to type up an orgasm and that’s when I knew it was special.
  19. Something from the TV side of it that would resonate with you *while* using the boards? Viewer Bump talk? Early reception for Assy, Squids, Boondocks, etc stick out for me the most.
  20. Really is a shame about Luuv, and so soon after he helped make all of this possible. You all did right by him.
  21. I don’t stand a chance either but I’m cool with just SwimPunk.
  22. *psssssstttt*....... HOW ABOUT NOWW?!?!!!?!??
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