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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. to be fair though reading Marx alone wouldn't be enough. i would say they also needed to read some Kropotkin, Malatesta, and Goldman... I'm gonna stop before i derail the thread...
  2. i really need to watch/read true blood, i hear it's pretty good, and fairy blood as drugs is great lol
  3. this looks amazing actually, i kinda want to go
  4. true, but you do get to dress up all steampunk and stuff, thats always fun
  5. my friend made pozole! Its pretty good, even though he's white. could use some tapatio though
  6. My thinking is that they would be immune to human blood borne pathogens too, because they aren't human. Viruses and stuff like that need certain conditions to survive in, like rabies can't survive in opossums because their body temp is too low. For lycanthropy to affect vampires it would need to survive not only in conditions present in the normal human body, but in a human body that might have a very different set of conditions. Assuming vampires maintain similar conditions to a living humans and their various organ systems work in the same way, then maybe it could happen, but again, it would still suck to be susceptible to every pathogen in everyone you feed on, even if you can just regenerate it away. It just doesn't fit my idea of a vampire for them to get sick, honestly. That said, if they WANTED to contract a virus, I imagine they'd be able to find a way to make it work. It might take some pacts with demons for forbidden alchemy knowledge, but thats a small price to pay for becoming a badass vampire wolf
  7. I'm doing another Skyrim playthrough, modded with the tempus maledictum mod list from wabbajack. i really need to get into dnd and table top rpgs though. making my character and planning out her backstory and figuring out how to link it to the main story and all the things i want to do has been as much fun as playing the game itself.
  8. i got lucky working second shift, when i had to learn to drive in the snow the roads were mostly empty. ngl, it's terrifying, but not impossible to figure out if you're already an experienced driver, just go slow and get a feel for how your car moves differently.
  9. in elder scrolls i think it doesn't work because daedra don't like sharing their playthings but honestly it's really one of those things that is heavily dependent on whatever lore you're working with and the mechanisms involved. magic and curses could be altered in a variety of ways to hybridize either creature, and multiple viruses can easily infect the same body. but i would imagine a vampire would be immune any and all diseases carried by blood in the first place, so i doubt lycanthropy would affect them. a werewolf would absolutely be able to become a vampire but i don't see it going the other way, even temporarily. blood is just fuel for whatever keeps them in a state of undeath, and being susceptible to viruses would make that problematic
  10. i may be wrong, but in elder scrolls lore you can't be a hybrid at all, though you can go from one to the other. being as both are "gifts" from daedric princes (vampirism from molag bal, lycanthropy from Hircine) i don't think they can really hybridize in such a way. or, if they did, it would take a lot of fucky magic stuff that you could only learn from hermaeus mora.
  11. the worst experience i ever had working outside was pretty much in that kinda heat. 110 dry is better than 95 and humid any day. i thought i was going to die of heat stroke, i felt so horrible.
  12. my metabolism didn't entirely crash when i started hrt but its definitely noticably slower than it used to be. testosterone does a LOT to help manage weight, adding muscle mass alone being a huge part but it does also speed up your metabolism in general I'd consider trying the pill, but I'd have to do a LOT of research on how it works. I'm not at the worst weight, but i do want to lose a bit and it's damn near impossible for me, especially now that i lost what is the single most powerful substance in regards to weight loss. but the reason I'm not undereating right now anyways is because i want my body to have what it needs to make boobs and, if I'm really lucky, maybe a bit of an ass
  13. this is why I'm an anarchist it makes me happy to know that one day this shitty, fucked up country will die and be forgotten, along with everything any conservative has ever cared about. they're trying to erase us and it's impossible, but they will inevitably be erased
  14. I'm having an ipa right now, but only to get started, I'll stick to a honey kolsch after this. cheers
  15. oh yeah, I'm sure he does too, i was mostly joking lol. it just reminded me of discussions with him way back in the day lol
  16. i mean, I'd feel the same way about Rome that i feel about now, its just that ive come to a place where i think at least i get to live a life in direct opposition to a brutal empire and work for something better. if i don't get to live in a time and place that is actually good, at least getting to do that is pretty cool too trust me, if were up to me the roman empire would have never existed. no empire would have. unfortunately it's not, so what can you do? don't tell GiulianoTaverna i said that
  17. honestly you guys are lucky, i bet rome was a fucking blast. I'd love to go back and be a hot hallucinogen using priestess or something like that. the dark ages probably suck so bad
  18. oh! this is so cool i love learning about how languages and cultures interact!
  19. you know what? i think I'm gonna go get some beers. I've been a good girl this week (not really), i deserve a treat (probably also a lie)
  20. could also be Tlāloc though, which means you'd need a LOT more people to sacrifice also what's with thunder deities and names that start with T?
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