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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. i genuinely do not fucking understand the drivers here. they religiously hold to speed limits even when they don't have to, so one would think they're all just spineless cowards, but then they love to do annoying and risky shit like tailgating really close or edging into the road to make a LEFT turn, intersecting my turning path so now i have to be really careful about that or make absurdly wide turns. the drivers here are the only bad thing about this state but holy shit do they suck let me be clear, this wasn't moving sightly into the intersection to make a left, they had a stop sign and i didn't, i was making a left onto the road they were coming from. they should have waited until i was done turning, but everyone here seems to do that shit
  2. is there anything a cleanse can do for you that regular metamucil type stuff can't do? I've been considering something like that myself
  3. i hope the sound works on this, it makes 100x better iE53MFO.mp4
  4. yeah i do to. it makes my back hurt a lot, too, which i hate
  5. i have adhd, so all of them
  6. same. i was so worried yesterday about getting one because i accidentally looked at the sun for a second. i get these big stupid visual auras that make it impossible to see for a while. they almost make me welcome the actual pain part because at least i know where I'm going and what I'm doing
  7. sleep deprivation is a fuck
  8. Lynnrael

    I fap

    i want my feet to get cut off. you can have them when I'm done with them i guess
  9. Fo5VHvb.mp4
  10. https://spotify.com/track/0qMZXgcLfkl5RI3q50KHMH?si=tGfqMeXYRdahMspTqgGIxQ
  11. https://open.spotify.com/track/3zzgcEkwvScrFgD0WuU6Ew?si=QG3mHkFaSbSh7So50xJ2pw i love left at London so much
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