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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. oh i hate those. i used to have dreams where i was wading through a sea of plastic bottles back when I worked in recycling. it was awful lmao
  2. there's a lot of different ways to do stealth, especially with mods. right now I'm aiming for a dunmer occultist, and it works so well with stealth. of course the mod list I'm using has a bunch of new spells but even the base game spells are fun with this type of build. invisibility with illusion and a combo of conjuration and destruction give me ways to take on anything in the game if i plan it right.
  3. i really want to go home right now. but i only have... too many more hours to go.
  4. that's cool, I always like to start again from the beginning. I've restarted my Skyrim playthrough like 5 times already. that is, my most recent playthrough. i could not begin to count how many different playthroughs I've done with Skyrim.
  5. so that's where mine all went, haven't seen those in ages
  6. Dale Gribble says trans rights
  7. fr though she is like luz copy and pasted into the dc universe it's the best
  8. The other one put me in the mood for this. I would do anything to go back in time to see all Tohkay's early shows, this music is just so good. This one has a much better production value which kinda shows how the other one was definitely a demo type deal. I love these songs so much, I haven't listened to this in a while and Im glad Im getting back to it
  9. holy shit holy shit holy shit holy FUCKING SHIT I found an old demo from Catch 22 before they released Kaesbey Nights. This is so fucking cool, I can't handle it, how did I miss this?!?! 2 songs I haven't heard, and then more versions of other songs I love! Yes, I cried at As The Footsteps Die Out Forever, I always do. I've been told Shoebox In My Closet is likely an older proto version of Ungrateful, and yeah I can really hear it. Its so cool to hear Kalnoky's early sound.
  10. happy 2nd bday! 🥳
  11. those containers are like low tech security devices, they're impossible to open quietly
  12. i mean, if it's possible for someone to be an alien and not know, then that's probably me. but like, if my people left me here, they better have a good fucking reason. this dystopia can't have been the only place to drop me
  13. everyone knows you gotta sweeten the deal with the deeds to park place and boardwalk
  14. orc girls are kinda hot tho
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