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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. wait, they have elote Cheetos!? i need to try them asap!
  2. i wanna play a cleric that treats their relationship with their deity like a warlock would a patron
  3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  4. the beauty of second shift is that that's normal the downside of second shift is that it's not normal for anyone else
  5. ah fuck, I'm eating hot Cheetos again. I'm so sorry future me, but they're so good
  6. i deeply regret eating so many hot Cheetos last night. owie
  7. shit, i had to read that twice, i was thinking of the wrong kind of sub
  8. nothing i ever do will be as cool as doing cocaine in the white house
  9. when i worked in recycling we had a guy like that. everyone who worked this site came to knew the guy and hated him, but he and i got along pretty well. the cops were real familiar with him, and he was always getting into fights with our employees. eventually one of our employees got into a fight with him and stabbed him. he said he thought he was gonna die, and the guy who did it did go to jail for attempted murder. I'm glad he survived, though. just a kind of funny story that this reminded me of my ex's dad was like that, too. this guy was violent and mean, and a lot of people straight up hated him, but he really seemed to like me. not sure what it is with hardened criminals and the like that i get along with so well. my ex said i sounded like him when i talked about cops, so maybe it's about how we view authority. idk, but it's funny to me. maybe in a another life I'm a big time gangster. who knows lol
  10. the guy at the gas station called me pops, because I still present as a guy, i guess, and because my id says I'm in my 30s. i found it hilarious, not because he misgendered me, but because I'm trying to understand how someone could look at my little baby face and think "pops". i could pass for early 20s so it just seems incredibly silly to me
  11. eNiBIHC.mp4
  12. today has been a fruitful day for memes
  13. if i was a home owner I would just never do anything to my yard and let it grow wild. not only do i not like yard work, i think the idea that we should all be obligated to make our yard look a certain way is absurd bullshit. also i want neighborhood kids to make up urban legends about me being a witch
  14. neither am i but i wonder if it's actually possible to just not dream at all. I'm pretty sure that'd be devastating to one's health there was pretty cool ologies episode about sleep i listened to. they did say that your body needs rem sleep, and that it's impossible to just will yourself not to sleep indefinitely because eventually your body will just make you sleep anyways. i don't know if they mentioned whether or not it's possible to survive without rem sleep if you get enough other kinds of sleep though
  15. i would love if my dreams kept a continuous narrative like lol that sounds amazing
  16. i don't remember my dreams most nights tbh, but it's never an instant transition, mostly because i lay in bed with my own thoughts for a good two hours before i actually get to sleep and they usually slowly become more and more incoherent until they seem like dreams themselves. then i wake up and go back to sleep a bunch of times
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