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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. totally fair, and we have some options. while some gods require sacrifices be willing participants, others accept war prisoners as tribute. i guess it depends on what kind of god you've angered
  2. well what hubris did you show to anger the gods? have you tried ritual sacrifice? doesn't have to be humans, I'm sure a goat will do
  3. i am so happy i moved out of the desert and the heat. even the hottest days here have been only a little uncomfortable. people think I'm crazy when i talk about working in 115-120 degree heat. maybe i am, consider how long I've done that, my brain has to be at least a little cooked. like i have a weirdly fine tuned sense of how close i am to heat illness that i don't think you can develop and still be entirely sane
  4. this is me right now,i just woke up from a nap, looked in the mirror, and this is exactly what i looked like
  5. I'm almost 90% sure that means you're a Viking. based
  6. wait, i just realized, if I am a skillful soldier there's not really a chance in hell I'm not some kind of revolutionary organizing the peasantry. I'm sure it'll end horribly but I'm down. anyone else in the dark ages wanna take down some nobility?
  7. it's been thundering on and off here for weeks now lol I've never really actually been worried about being struck by lightning, but i understand the safest place to be is a car, because the metal redirects lightning around you and the tires keep it insulated from the ground. unless it explodes. then you're screwed
  8. skillful soldier in the dark ages or doctor if i use my shortened name, with might be better, cause soldiers did not live easy lives back then
  9. damn now I have to think of something else i guess mine is i kinda forget what i was doing and look at my phone while they're just kinda stuck in spinny head mode forever but i still want my mortal Kombat powers to be weaponized pot smoke
  10. i forget that most people don't live with executive dysfunction all the time lol it's not so bad if i self medicate with caffeine but my brain will not function at all without it and that's not fun
  11. i was thinking about this earlier actually. when i think about the what ifs i always end up realizing that the result is i wouldn't be me, and so it would be someone else enjoying the results anyways. then it ends up feeling hollow
  12. it's my Friday, and late for work. on top of that i just had my face shot with lasers. today is already awesome. I'm not even being sarcastic, i love being late when I have an excuse, and I'm almost done with laser treatments, that's amazing
  13. https://m.soundcloud.com/saoirsedream/weeniehut
  14. dating is hard because consent is too important? I'm sorry, what the fuck? the reason dating is harder is the same reason everything sucks more: we live in an increasingly commodified society where dating and sex are products, while any and all of our traditional forms of building community and socializing have been stripped away by capitalism. workplaces have always been alienating, but that is getting worse and worse and the rest of our society is also increasingly alienated. we used to have public spaces where it was considered normal to go and just hang out, but those are being commodified too, and social interaction without spending money is becoming more difficult to do. meanwhile almost all of us have to work more and spend more of our life worrying about survival. dating is hard because we live in a capitalist dystopian hell hole.
  15. i miss the recycling job. i know that's weird cause it was probably one of the worst jobs ever, but i miss it. i miss all the homeless people i made friends with, they were some of coolest people I've ever met. funny how that works out, i hated that job every day i was there
  16. I'm pretty sure I'm autistic but yeah, it me
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