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Everything posted by Neko

  1. nuuu
  2. wait, Turkey pudding?
  3. Let your real color shine...your hair can get natural sun highlights. Pls put some moisture on that though.
  4. I need my feet rubbed.
  5. Wonder what the shot this here is all about. *digs*
  6. I just bought a menstral cup. going to feel like a whole car is up there. I have a hard enough time with tampons
  7. I need boobs!
  8. Man..it's been cold and my allergies have been acting up. I want the weather to make up its mind.
  9. People stopped listening to shit.
  10. I'm not clicking that link. reading that shit looks disturbing as is.
  11. As much as I love to eat grapefruits... This shit right here, I mean, I would think it would burn or some shit...acid on the dick.
  12. I've seen panic attacks...hopefully never have to go through one. It does make you seem like you are dying but you aren't. Just gotta breath.
  13. Harry Man'ass $14.99 for 0.3oz
  14. Sup soooonnn, I heard you was making noise... What's good?
  15. May his eggs stay scrambled with cheese. and toath
  16. Ding inside. Full of sin. Still gotta pay bills. I guess so.
  17. I haven't even had a kiss from you.
  18. I'm at work. Going to see if I could catch a nap later.
  19. He can move space around time. Make it so!
  20. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074HT3WCR/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 I bought these. Still waiting for them to come.
  21. big spoon. I'm a whole lot of woman.
  22. I can cuddle.
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