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Everything posted by Neko

  1. You did once. They know you have a disposible income. They will come. Try to donate blood once. They will be on your ass like white on rice. Starting to believe I have glitter magic in my blood.
  2. Shit....I could do that. I just need to find some glue and tape and have my cats taped the side of my head with my hello kittys onsies on.
  3. I had that mentality when I was younger. Would tinker with shit to figure it. Born naturally curious I suppose. Then I would mentally tackle it till I got it down. As I have become older, I have gotten lazy. I tend to just get something that I have half reasearched when I used to wait...researched and weighed the pros and cons when I have pretty much knew that I wanted it.
  4. Found myself looking for jobs again. Used to be always about being where I am because it makes me happy...This main job is easy. Pass a few meds, make sure no one falls and help people to the bathroom and changing them. Easy enough. It's the same thing everyday, 38-40+ patient load with minumum expectations of oh shit happening like when I worked in the hospital. I missed that also, coming into somethings and never running out of stories of how your patient managed to make you facepalm 10 plus times in a night. But I digress. I did med-surg, a little cardiac. home health and long term skilled and short travel stints. I want to do ICU and eventually get my NP. I need cash now, I had happiness in the past with my job that was kinda shitty but was fun and fufilling. Now I'm getting older and itching to buy me a house. Morally I object to nurses who come in and work just for cash and look at patients as a paycheck rather than a patient but I'm getting older, bills are getting more action from me than anything. Found a few high paying jobs across country in Cali. I can travel, air bnb, rent a car or get an agency to pay for it and make due when I'm there. The problem I have is what am I getting myself into? Am I selling out? I want to vacation with the best of them. 13 weeks and I'll be set for quite a while if I'm willing to put some energy into it.
  5. looking at a black muscat dessert wine
  6. his face is expressionless.
  7. Icelandic beard trimmer.
  8. Yo. SO that does not need to happen. On my current job, the same thing could happen although on my last one, it wouldn't because they would call the cops on you if you didn't show up.
  9. I have it in my drawer. No worries.
  10. Shit man...I'm here stuck at work looking dick all tired. Found myself in 2 other jobs besides this one. I'm ready for a vacation.
  11. There's a couple of people that does that from time to time. The 2000s had a rash of deaths of musical artists that seemed weird. Even in the latter part of the 90s, but I remember the 2000s shit just kept happening and I was like what in the world. I know people pass on but it seemed kinda...weird
  12. You blowhard.
  13. MRE meals and apocalypse prep. Happens from time to time.
  14. Shit I didn't know we were doing this shit still. Time to spam/ham
  15. I felt your butt today....from afar.
  16. Happy birthday!!
  17. insecurities... His ass needs to take that shit off. Cut it off.
  18. Damn man...Why'd you have to go and do that for?
  19. Just rub one out...side of it's rubbery shell.
  20. I did at one point. Lost it to my first ex. He was kinda of a dick then but he grew up and is doing better for himself. It was kinda painful then pleasurable. Right before I was going to orgasm, my little sister walked in and that pretty much stopped me from having one. Till this day, I haven't had one from penetrative sex yet. F
  21. If I haven't already faced my greatest fear in my imagination already, I would say spiders. Not much perturb me except the perception of others. I am insecure, and I have let myself down many times. Plus I have a fear of hurting others although I have and my jimmies are rustled because of it.
  22. It's titillating for sure. Not sure about sex. I've been liking the sound of unboxing videos for years. Shit kinda relaxes me and put me into a lul like no other. Plastic sounds, and opening boxes just...I don't know. Almazon's kitchen is kinda cool on youtube also.
  23. Man...if you call this a photoshoot.. Yes it looks like a craigslist ad, if you see some they are oddly specific. He hired her...as his dom. Probably some stepstool fetish or just a weird need to feel used or useful. Yes she might have gotton $60 but this shit sure wasn't placed as an expensive ad anywhere.
  24. You can I borrow him part time.
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