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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Surfboard
  2. I gots girl scout cookies.
  3. The reading or the freaky shit
  4. lulz. Never had any issues with the guy...so far.
  5. Yo so...that's some hood rat stuff right there. You can find people into that shit on craigslist. I could laugh at some of that stuff.
  6. A strange motion. Why? What is it this time? Fleeting thoughts of the past. Once briefs moments of happiness, strung along by mounting frustrations. A pain now constant. Through the veil of sin a hope that one day the devourer would know it's gluttonous behavior. A call to learn, a call for peace. Would it know peace? Would it come to terms with itself?
  7. Daddy issues. I'll stick to my inflation, pregnancy porn with fucking machines and sensual massages thank you.
  8. Board or not...clone another zeni. We need another one.
  9. Uber is cost prohibitable. Its costs more to have if you don't have a car than it does to have a car and making payments.
  10. Cats haven't attracted dick to me yet. But I digress. I'm not dating. It's all for the cats.
  11. Uhh...I'm cool with it. More cool Neko peeps. Just don't junk post anymore than I already do.
  12. Been through that.
  13. I had this.... My head sploded
  14. Wash your lemurs.
  15. Try to get one with a robotic head. I'm sure thats only for the ones who are truely lonely and wants companionship. The others migh just want sex or a different feel from the norm. I say why not get a fleshlight. It'll only set you up for possible unrealistic expectations about what you end up with.
  16. Not cool...on a side note.. I used to spank asses and touch hair. I should've been fired a long time ago for invading people's personal space but I think I'm just too overly amarous. Now that I'm single, I don't touch anyone. The fuck is wrong with my head?
  17. Haven't even seen my first w-2
  18. Shit man...I'm at work now. Don't hardly do shit except sit on my butt and help a few residents.
  19. Jeeze, do you have them to pop them or just to have laying around? helium? Does that do anything for ya or is it the shape and feel of the balloon.
  20. I weigh a lot..high heels are out of the question till i lose so me weight. But bras are necessary...these suckers are as wide as my head (only when laying down lol)
  21. member since -06-16-2003
  22. I wear tennis shoes, but I've come to love a pair of heels or two. I do like fashion but I tend to dress mainly in work clothing anyway, so i wear my dresses and heels and my flats whenever I get a chance on every other weekend or on the few days I get out after work.
  23. I wear tight pants...but I think about my hoohah all the time with them on...like it's sore but are my underwear rubbing, whats pulling in my leg crease. Is my pants up my but. I mean, I have some boy shorts that are basically tight trampolines...shit just kinda sit in my leg creases and rub.
  24. I miss it.
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