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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Neko

    Breakfast porn

    No it' about early morning rub outs and what to call them
  2. last night had a half of bottle of wine in a cup. wrecked
  3. Be cute and invisible....so when the one chance you're creeping and paint is splashed on you, your eyebrows is still on fleek.
  4. Early morning tubesteak and eggs Wake and yank Jolly jelly legs Hot coco and cream
  5. her and hanor dated right? I liked them both...
  6. Booo... Plus like i said, my vagina is flaccid.
  7. Think I just matched up with an intended parent as a Surrogate.
  8. You're getting older too, maybe one day.
  9. Yas I text but actual touch isn't that bad either.
  10. Daww. one of my cats passed recently. I'll try to get the other one.
  11. We all are, just very slowly.
  12. Compatibility...I hear ya. But my head is heavy with so much, so little that in consideration, I stay alone.
  13. Why so?
  14. You better be glad that's on my top 20 list of favorite cartoons. Plus excuse my pain filled sleep deprived rant and rave.
  15. OOh...a real warm body. Jeeze, how does that feel? Really though I miss jabs and talking. Mainly there were complaints about our personal issues, and compliments....
  16. That sounds like past tense, with present issues...man move on and find that one for you.
  17. Prolly could...plus there were many threads that reached high numbers in IB, post pic threads, drama threads, arm meat, music threads...etc.
  18. Maybe...It depends on how you fit with the other one that you end up with...
  19. Don't be scurred...yas, too serious..body ain't ready, mind ain't ready...just time screaming at me and lonelyness and the hardest of them all, a drive to help a couple or two.
  20. I started messing around with stock, mild easy trading...speaking of which...if anyone doesn't mind. Segway into money making http://share.robinhood.com/kiyauns http://share.robinhood.com/kiyauns
  21. My uterus is sore...a bit filled...and dI''m not sure why I'm bloated, but I am. I wish that i could just chill out sometimes and just get my hormones back on track...started taking aldasterone...and I'm a med sensitive, not sure if it's that or just shit happening.
  22. Indeed. I think mine would know no ends to imagination...it's kinds one of those things that happen. Not just nice but smart...and would love if my folks learn to say no early. Too many times I got ran over with shit, over and over again. Hopefully their father would be a good, no a great man.
  23. It is a nice gift. Looks complicated for a bottle opener. Yes we are going to do another secret santa thing this year. Gonna start early so matches happen better. Many of you are too awesome to not do nice things for each other. As usually a $25 limit...unless decided among pairs.
  24. My family has too much mouth and very little filter. It gets most of us in trouble but in a nice way. Most of what comes out just is what it is...when I ran into trouble was when I got sick, so sick shit came out.
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