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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Cinnamon was it? Burns like heck...That and listerine and you couldn't taste anything for about a day.
  2. Moist :))
  3. I had a pregnancy/rapid inflation fantasy....or fetish...so kinda?
  4. Pssh. I used that shit on my shoes...surprisingly....crest works better there also.
  5. Honestly I prefer crest....name brand recognition and all. Noticed that my breath smells fresher for longer. I want them whitened so badly.
  6. it's a little to the left and a little to the right.
  7. Well it's not likely that I'll find a man to lick nutella out of my ass anytime soon so
  8. Time to vacation and medication. I swear this shit is weird.... I had enough crazy shit happen in the last 3 or so years that I just can't handle it.
  9. Anyone else have the urge to just have NO sex? Like none... I mean am I the only one.? Hit's me every once in a while. Maybe it's the prolong dry spell?
  10. I'll pay ya
  11. Man....I'm in a thread looking for a job that is paying me more...could be a crab ass job. Who knows?
  12. I'll pay you in pennies....ready to count.
  13. Oh is this that there netflix and chill thing I keep hearing all these kids are doing these days? Sounds nice I suppose.
  14. I'm sure it is.
  15. Haven't had that in a long time. I suppose now my ass is thrice as big since...Make sure you're playing safe I suppose
  16. www.furnitureporn.com
  17. Who's was it? I mean was it Rob's or who..
  18. Boi, if you don't. Get out. Get out of my thread.
  19. Mechanic...I break shit and buy a new one...disposible income problems. But fixing it is where I need to get back to. I used to at least try to fix shit before throwing it away...that laziness and the drive to have the newest shiny thing is what did me in. I used to place a lot of value in memories and feelings that an object that has been with me for a long time gave me. Been uprooted a few times...makes it more important I guess now in hindsight....
  20. A pack of tic-tacs?
  21. Really? I mean really? You gotta be all that extra?
  22. Truth isn't always a kitten wrapped in a bow, it isn't always shitty either. People like comforts. Some people's comforts and levels aren't others. You know generalizations are just that, generalizations. Just do you and not be a dick and you should be alright. Things tie together. Pick a side, pick a view and work it out the best way you can. Don't sell yourself short and shit man wing it. I'm in a shituation right now that is foreign to me. Hurt me to my core, but I still laugh every once in a while even if I feel shitty or had shitty thngs done to me.
  23. are you condescending wonka?
  24. I have some credit card bills and I'm paying bills for someone else also. I suppose that I have to do what I have to but I feel like I'm going against all of my preaching when I was younger about working for happiness vs. working for just money. I would rather have both but idk. The jobs seem like stuff that no one else would want to do if they are willing to hire me direct for a job that pays so much. I ust appplied and may not even get any responses back but giving that I have next to nothing to my name, I'm willing to get off my cushy do not much of nothing job just to go to work it out with heavy caseloads and/or heavy hospital loads. I was in a rush to get back into the hospital setting and still kinda miss it but I'm willing to work one job instead of the 3 I have now only to have it all go to bills.
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