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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Neko


    Next time share...I mean just mail over the rest.
  2. Haven't had bubble tea yet, but I love froyo with the fruit bubbles in it.
  3. Drink plenty of water and rest. Eat something when your stomach feels better.
  4. A fuse or the cord is messed up. Can be fixed.
  5. My ex works there. Glad he didn't get hurt...booty
  6. I love kids. Curious minds and such...and I love to teach. They kinda stretch my patience but a nice site down usually helps. I have spanked assed. I have put in time out. But I do enjoy some of the convos said. I enjoy watching them supercede me in education and I enjoy watching their personalities developed. Keep in mind I have none of my own yet and only one of my many neices and nephews are teenagers and I can send them home at any time.
  7. Neko


    So good. It's diabetes in liquid form. It's like butter sugar and crackers in one.
  8. A plate of cookies should fix ya right up!
  9. Man. Porn is ok...doing porn isn't. Not in my profession. Plus I'm celibate anyway so no one is getting the cookie till I get married.
  10. I like cheese.
  11. I think that I just need to learn how to feel again. That aided in my direction a lot. My morals need a reset to my normal. And I feel sometimes that I need to apologize to the universe...excuse the grandiose.
  12. I had a slow...fast slide down. Booty burned the whole way.
  13. Why can't you understand? I have to live...be free. You were just. Idk? Too much, too soon, too fast. Maybe I need to digest this. Take small bits of this and break it down to understand this. Give me a moment and we'll talk about it in a week. I need some time to think and figure out how I feel. I'll keep in contact. I'm sorry hun.
  14. Kinda wished I saved all of my sigs. Didn't have too many great ones but I did have fun with a few.
  15. I drive like that everyday...thought about ubering at one point but I'd probably get sued.
  16. Maple thick cut...lovely Real turkey bacon oh gawd Applewood smoked, nice bacon for the family Slab bacon fried hard with extra crispy skin. Pepper bacon...the best Jalepeno bacon...I just orgasmed.
  17. Right. I'm just Kinda tired of the whole bulb changing in mine. Bought the oem kind the last time. Worth the money as this one has lasted longer without changing color or spotting. Might just give it to my mom.
  18. So. I guess that's about it. Had to deal with this for years with other people. I told them to get out, move on before the damage became severe but for whatever reason no one listened to me. Abusive relationships can strip you of everything. They sucks and people who choose to stay should see the end before repeatedly subjecting themselves to going back and forth. They rarely end well and hurts everyone who cares. It changes everyone involved while they may be consumed with changing that one person. I can't even anymore...
  19. I'm good. Know not to buy it. Want a smart TV next. Had a 60 inch dlp TV since 2008. Need to upgrade.
  20. I would like to volunteer my services....can dig up a few items to aid...*wink* *wink*....no?
  21. What kind was it for future references. Don't want any broken tvs.
  22. Nice to be back btw... Ok so I have been dealing with some pretty severe depression and some chronic pain for the past year. Shit sucks and has been very challenging to say the least. Man at this point I don't know what to do...I can't seem to cope as well as I thought I could and I hurt so bad that I get numb everywhere else....sorry to complain but you know booty chatter and all that.
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