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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. 55 percent cheaper rent . . . and Japan is very limited when it comes to land. ๐Ÿ™ƒ That tool also says rent is cheaper in Tokyo, a city that once was notoriously expensive, than Pittsburgh.
  2. My mother just came back from Japan, and she thinks it may be cheaper to live in Japan these days. That's right, an island country with few natural resources and heavily dependent on imports is probably cheaper than America. America has become a huge fucking scam.
  3. Who knows? Most likely, the worst case scenario is that I pay a smaller fine with no points added to my license. I know the cops in that area like to do that. Easy way for the municipality to make money, I guess.
  4. Did you rupture her cervix?
  5. Nah, I'm not too worried. This isn't my first citation. The cop seemed nice and just told me to plead not guilty and everything will be fine. He seemed genuine, and my gut has never failed me about cops yet. Waste of time still, but whatever.
  6. I had to go to the magistrate's office to plead not guilty for failing to stop at a stop sign, and right before the office I had to to wait for a turn. Someone ran the stop sign going over 40mph, and if I hadn't been cautious I would have been hit. The irony of life. ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  7. Really bad inflation, the worst seen since the last civil war.
  8. probation
  9. I used to drink coffee all the time when I worked overnight. When I quit working overnight, I also quit coffee and had no side effects. I don't think caffeine does much to me anyway. I've drunk two cups to try to stay awake only to fall into a deep slumber. If only my body treated nicotine the same way. Nicotine addiction is a real bitch.
  10. @SwimModSponges What program are you using? craiyon still? There are quite a few out there now.
  11. Doing stunts like this just makes him better known to the public. The attacker didn't even succeed in killing him, so congrats on failing on two accounts.
  12. Well, I suppose it's better than the opposite direction.
  13. I mean, I'm still not 30 yet, but yes I'm getting old.
  14. German has schadenfreude, but Japanese also has a similar saying. ไป–ไบบใฎๆถ™ใฏ่œœ (ta'nin no namida wa mitsu) "the tears of another person are honey." No wonder. ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  15. What do you mean? Rotating your tires five times before needing new ones?
  16. Yes. I already knew my tires were in shit shape. I hadn't had proper alignment done in years, so it wore the tires prematurely, but fortunately it had warranty on it. Got four new tires for fifty percent off because of my irresponsibilty.
  17. What kind of obvious . . ? @helpme Get in here.
  18. Kakegurui was absolute cringe . . . I'll probably watch this.
  19. I believe there are countries with worse inequalities that still have much better public transportation than us. It's also that our economy is highly dependent on oil.
  20. It's all about cars here. It's such a shame. There are many old train towns here in PA, and the nice thing about them is that they are very centralized and walkable. I don't think car-dependent suburbia is sustainable, especially in a country as vast as the US, but I suppose that's another topic.
  21. Damn, I'll spare you the obvious fuggs joke.
  22. I think they're just called creeps, lol
  23. Well, I guess I have to give her a modicum of credit now that this has been brought to light.
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