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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. I'd totally watch this.
  2. I had it twice, both during the elections. I must really hate this country.
  3. There is much irony in that one of the best listeners I've ever encountered in my life is literally hard of hearing.
  4. TIL a woman who wears a hijab is called a hijabi. I learned this because this one girl is coming back to help for the holidays and my one Afghan coworker told me she's a weird hijabi girl.
  5. One thing I love about Indian food too is that vegetarian dishes are actually appetizing and don't feel like substitutes like the American vegan shit. Chana saag is delicious.
  6. Well, update: it only cost 600 dollars for the repairs. Not horrible. I thought my axle was damaged, but it was just a worn out ball joint. Plus the brake pads and rotors got replaced. I knew they were bad. At least I'm no longer doing food delivery, so my car should be easier to maintain now.
  7. @Still Me must have made an AITA about you and gotten a lot of karma.
  8. My one coworker took her hijab off because she was hot from working. Her daughter doesn't even wear one. I guess that's all I have to add.
  9. I dropped my car off tonight for the annual state inspection. I'm scared of the repairs
  10. Joining the same club as fuggs this year. *kesgelspasm*
  11. This video is 13 years old.
  12. That's an awfully boomer thing to say.
  13. They definitely won't be going for the same atmosphere as they once had. Times have changed. AS target demographic has always been college aged potheads.
  14. Much of your musings invoke the expression, "why reinvent the wheel?"
  15. Never can go wrong with biryani. I just had some tonight from an Indian restaurant suggested by my Pakistani coworker. Goddamn delicious.
  16. I recently learned karen means lovely in Japanese. It's pronounced kah-ren, not kair-en though lol
  17. I'm a seasonal part timer at JCPenney, and I price matched sales to Cyber Monday deals all throughout my shift. My coworker told me I wasn't supposed to do that. Oh well.
  18. Started at 4:30am, off in a few minutes. 😭
  19. Being a dual citizen, that way I never have to worry about becoming an American refugee.
  20. Working 16 hours on Black Friday at two different jobs. Yay.
  21. gaping turkey cloaca
  22. black pussy
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