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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. Instead of pictures of food, I sent pictures of fugg's hooha.
  2. Nah, they banned me. I think they're downsizing, as there has been an uptick of dashers getting banned lately. I still have another job anyway. That's the nice thing about having two jobs, I guess.
  3. i just quit shit job after olny 1 wekk holy shi t
  4. As a former barista, there is no replacing dairy if you want the perfect cappuccino. Fortunately, non-dairy works fine in lattes, and most people don't know the difference between cappuccinos and lattes anyway. Oat milk is all right though.
  5. Nah, only "catastrophe" can save us. Income inequality has been mainly reduced throughout history by plague, war, revolution, or state collapse. https://www.economist.com/open-future/2018/09/10/can-inequality-only-be-fixed-by-war-revolution-or-plague However, I think one new problem that will possibly rectify our situation is population decline: decreasing fertility rates in the developed world, famines in the developing world. Japan has had an issue with deflation even before its population started to decline. When the overall world population starts to decline, which I believe it will this century, this will cause an unprecedented shock to the system.
  6. Look in my eyes, what do you see?
  7. I just know Desantis is gonna do a wonderful job with the recovery.
  8. As for one trick ponies, fuggs once had a reddit post with over 10k upvotes. ok, that's all for now.
  9. 😂 Keep seething.
  10. 😂 It's just the same five-ish people determining who ends up on that leaderboard. Nothing against matrixman, but come on.
  11. Well, I had the court hearing for my stop sign traffic violation this morning. The officer offered a bargain; a non-moving violation with a slightly smaller fee and no points on my license, meaning no change on my insurance premium. It went just as I thought it would.
  12. Yeah, Ariel is black. But that's not what this is about. For extra lulz, they can cast Ursula as a fat trans woman. This wouldn't stray from the inspiration.
  13. We only had like 5 days above 90 this summer. There's no risk of drought here either. Pleasant partly cloudy 75 degree weather today. Might as well enjoy the affordability while it lasts. The Great Lakes and Northeast are gonna see a resurgence in population due to climate change and droughts in other regions.
  14. haha, she was only two years away from beating Louis XIV's record for longest-reigning monarch. Looks like Frenchy still wins in the end, and they don't even have a monarchy anymore.
  15. FYI: Nipples are allowed, this was aired live, so.
  16. I have nothing to base this on other than gut feelings, but I think Prince was a much bigger weirdo than Michael Jackson. He just had a better public image. Edit: Actually, I do. That Artist formerly known as Prince crap he did. Weird af.
  17. Escaping the Cave of Wonders in either one was always a bitch . . . at least as a kid. I haven't played it since then.
  18. I mean, news segments are basically presentations of events. Yes, the whole point of school was to prepare you for the real world . . . in some aspects. It's not that deep.
  19. I just had one of the most severe shrinkflation experiences. I bought cheese sticks from Aldi, and they were shorter and much thinner than normal. It had to be at least 30 percent smaller than the last time I bought it.
  20. You know, hippies smell like shit.
  21. More on the topic of getting ripped off in this country, my mother bought me a shirt in Japan and I noticed the fabric was considerably thicker than American shirts. The shirt couldn't have cost more than 25 dollars . . .
  22. I mean, who do you think mainly seeks out services by sex workers? She probably gave him access, you know.
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