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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. I just realized my entire life, I handed cash to others using two hands. I guess I do got some Japanese mannerisms in me after all.
  2. True, probably before the end of this year from the looks of things.
  3. So it's ok to make jokes about a white man's penis, but you mention anything about a certain black pussy. #shedidnothingwrong
  4. Trump account reinstated, Trump's main platform for re-election is Twitter being a constitutional right, Trump wins, Twitter now funded by taxpayer money. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg sells facebook to CCP. Truly wonderful.
  5. You need to suck on fugg's pussy lips.
  6. I guess this is part of the merge Chris Chan was talking about . . .
  7. lol, I can't believe there's actually a market for that. Maybe rich autists like notch buy his shit.
  8. Billionaires are so boring these days. At least Rockefeller and Carnegie built libraries, universities, and shit.
  9. I'm only recommending it because they're such prudes there. I got heavily downvoted when someone posted a pic of Mordin Solus falling down, and then I compared it to a pic in Danganronpa.
  10. I dare you to post that it the regular Mass Effect subreddit.
  11. I'm just fucking with you. Excellent job on the xenobiological genitalia.
  12. Well I dunno then. At least you got a relationship experience since you've become trans now. It's a step up from the unrequited love you had for your doctor. Just think about the positives, accept that your time with Charlotte is now over, and move on. I know it's easier said than done, but it's best to avoid unnecessary heartache.
  13. Does she show up late to the LGBTQ meetings though?
  14. Maybe she just was never that into you. Also, I think you're a masochist, but whatever. I'll be civil.
  15. Specify which. Salarians have cloaca, as evidenced by Mordin Solus once reminiscing about a colleague, calling him a cloaca. Also, I imagine some of them to have ovipositors instead. Asari probably don't have vagina, given their ability to "meld." Sounds like something that requires a bit of "protruding." Sounds like someone is an anthropocentric shitlord to me. Shame.
  16. Most of those are cloaca.
  17. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  18. And that is the way it happens today.
  19. That's an interesting statistic, considering none of the people on my ballot were incumbent.
  20. I guess it's nice to be a PA resident sometimes. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-pennsylvania-2658631653/
  21. Hillary Rodham Clinton vs Ron DeSantis
  22. Summer Lee has been elected as the first black congresswoman from Pennsylvania, and she's from my congressional district. I think this occasion calls for a special brand of feminine melanin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  23. Well I voted. I wore a mask to protect others from my covid. I think the CDC should have put a mask advisory just for today, but of course that would have made too much sense. Fortunately, when I came to the booth there was no line and I was able to practice social distancing.
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