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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. Well now they know what their daughter is working with, lawl
  2. ghostie stood her up after creaming his pants from the prospect . . . awkward times at work ensue. Don't shit where you eat.
  3. lol, an exercise in semantic nonsense. No one here is to blame; this is intentional divisionary tactics from the oligarchy.
  4. Here's a stupid take. ↕️ https://fortune.com/2022/07/15/millennials-driving-force-behind-wolverine-inflation-bill-smead/amp/
  5. The one time I got summoned, I got selected and had to sit through an entire trial. At least I'm off the hook for about five more years now.
  6. I wish you good luck. One thing that helped is following the subreddit for respective gig apps. Learn to game the system, otherwise it games you.
  7. What made you decide join the delivery gig game so late? lol, I'm about to quit doing doordash for good.
  8. Somewhat relevant, I was reading somewhere that national parks are one thing America actually does exceptionally well compared to other countries. So if you've been looking for something to be proud of being American, here's one thing, lol
  9. I'm not saying this to be rude, but simply go to another forum then. Does it really matter that you're failing to find an audience here? I'm sure there's a subreddit out there for your ramblings.
  10. The suspect supposedly had a very tragic life. His father died when he was young, his brother killed himself, and his mother donated over 1 million US dollars the cultish Unification Church. I guess that's what it takes to commit assassination in a country where gun violence is rare . . .
  11. "Let them eat cake." - Marie Antoinette
  12. My old coworker texted me today, saying she was working until 5 and if I wanted to come see her. Um, ok . . . I never gave her any signs of romantic interest. 🙃 I had to softly reject her, saying I was busy today.
  13. lol, he's just trying to accuse you of being anti-trans.
  14. It hasn't been neglected; it's all by design. This is where decades of union-busting has led us. I'm starting to think America may never recover. It was economically strong in the 50s and 60s because the rest of the world was still rebuilding from having their infrastructure ravaged by WW2. Now you got boomers alive who remember that time, and they are voting and in power and just don't realize they were mainly born in the right time at the right place. I think having a younger electorate who can relate more to present struggles may be a good start.
  15. I remember reading somewhere that about 40 percent of Americans are currently spending more than they earn. Most of these people are relying on varying degrees of government subsidies, but a lot are just going further into debt, and the number of people having to become indebted is increasing day by day. This is unsustainable.
  16. lol, don't forget his least flattering moment.
  17. Man, that would have been perfect for last month; bold mockery of other companies' advocacy while still making fun of crypto.
  18. Hi, ghostrek might lose his virginity soon.
  19. Elitist edge? I'm a dual Japanese/American citizen. The former prime minister of my country has been assassinated. I really don't care if you criticize Abe or Japan. I just may or may not decide to respond. That's the nature of a public forum after all. Edit: I know there are other dynamics at play here, so I don't hold that particular bit of ignorance about me against you. I've been accusing you of being mumbo, but now I'm thinking you're that one guy who was complaining about cliques about a month ago. If that's you, I apologize.
  20. mumbo, I clearly had asked for naraku's opinion. What you said was more about Japan's practices than Abe's beliefs anyway. Shit on Japan as much as you want, but what made you dislike him? That's a rhetorical question in this moment btw, as I don't care about what you're about to google and opine about.
  21. Anyway, I'm hoping Jada and Will get a chance of redemption in Kill Bill Vol. 3. Probably the only time I'll get a chance to say this, as I feel this incident is far past relevancy now.
  22. https://unevenedge.com/search/?&q="native american"&author=That_One_Guy&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy I do recall you saying you're Native American, for what little it's worth.
  23. Insipid


    You do know why. mumbo
  24. I mean, I'm quite neutral to Abe myself, but why do you think he was that bad?
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