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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. No. Never.
  2. Babblers thought they were better than IBers. I stayed away. I still stay away from anyone that makes logical sense. There's still a wiki page somewhere that talks about all the lure of the ASMB. I only have one website that I still love to creep on.
  3. You had me at bewb and then you lied
  4. So proud of you. I’m never leaving my moms basement.
  5. Happy day of birth!
  6. Happy belated!
  7. Crippling old man status is the correct age I like to be
  8. I’ve been doing tequila shots and now I’m awake when usually I’m asleep by 10 pm. It sucks when you have no one awake to entertain you.
  9. What kind of hot porno did I walk into?
  10. Lemme see them knees
  11. Freezing. It’s only been 54 today.
  12. I like this idea! But no buddy. Pat got to read my nonsense at one point but that was on the boards. also - I’m not that active to be noticed - just on discord.
  13. UwPp

    Pokémon Go

    The email got hacked. I said that. It’s linked to an old phone number now and I can’t even answer questions to reset the password.
  14. UwPp

    Pokémon Go

    It wont let me just login like you used to.
  15. UwPp

    Pokémon Go

    It won’t let me. It’ll only do Gmail, Apple, fb, or the other two randoms.
  16. UwPp

    Pokémon Go

    No it’s the google account that got hacked 😞
  17. UwPp

    Pokémon Go

    I had to start over so add meeeee ❤️
  18. My dumbass whispered to the person next to me and said “we’ve been trying to reach you for your cars extended warranty”. The person next to me spit out their drink.
  19. Some of those scenes should’ve just been cut. I saw it in theaters and almost peed my pants thinking I was going to miss something when all it was was a driving scene like 5 or so minutes long.
  20. Don’t have rough sex with a choker on. If you do prepare for the choker to be bruised on your throat. Whoops.
  21. Sign me up for this epic disaster.
  22. What a sweet wittle kitty baby
  23. It’s so cuteeee. Name?
  24. What beauties!!!
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