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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. I have mild spurs in my right foot with plantar fasciitis. So I’m kind of hobbling.
  2. Waiting almost an hour now to get my foot xrayed and now I’m going to be extremely late for work. Yolo
  3. Happy birfyday! I’m late.
  4. Syracuse didn’t make it. I stopped watching. Though I’m still rooting for the underdogs.
  5. *walks in and realizes finally old enough to legally drink with fellow asmbers after 15 years* Keep the jack coming!
  6. What a whore
  7. Happy belated wonderful!
  8. No be disappoint
  9. I’ve been wanting snuggles and I keep getting none. Why cruel world? Why?!
  10. potentially.
  11. “When the fuck did we get ice cream?”
  12. Glad to hear you got them!! No worries! Merry Christmas!
  13. It’s going to be in the 50s Friday and then plummet into an ice storm.
  14. Of course! Pm me
  15. Merry Christmas Neko! Love youuuu. 🥰
  16. Yes. Secretly under the bed. >_>
  17. Secret Santa seems to be a fluke this year. I’m still down to do it though.
  18. Maybe those that like crispy hot dogs.
  19. Was stuck in traffic for an hour and a half due to a giant hot dog truck catching on fire on the highway.
  20. I’d be down!
  21. Happy goddess day
  22. But I did unfuck your mom. That counts right?
  23. That’s right @scoobdog I’m talking about you.
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