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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. I’ve met some people from the boards. Some I’ve smashed. Some I’ve smoked with. Some I’ve even done normal things like went to museums and stuff.
  2. Don't swear at me, I don't know what you're asking me.
  3. Didn't win biggest flirt in 2006 for not being an IB whoar.
  4. I had hoes in different zones. Who wasn't simping for simps. Also - eff zeni.
  5. I wouldn’t know. I was too busy getting board married and having crazy 5 somes in IB.
  6. IB whoars wuz where it wuz at
  7. I mean I’m not sure what other features you’re basing my looks off of. But I’m naturally a ginger. I just color my hair so much because I get bored.
  8. I know I’m potentially French and Sicilian but that might not be true. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just know for sure I’m English and Irish.
  9. Maybe we’re long lost cousins and we don’t even know it. I don’t know much of my paternal side of my family.
  10. If we lived closer to eachother I'd bring yew wid me ❤️
  11. Added more blue today. I’m now more mermaid than witch.
  12. I go next tuesday for the $5 movie tuesdays at my local theater.
  13. Just applied for a shit ton of state jobs. Just so I can have a practical for this damn bachelors degree I decided to apply for at 9:30p Sunday night. Wish me luck.
  14. Following Alice down the rabbit hole today
  15. Thanks Vampy. ❤️ I needed that so so much you don't even know.
  16. That's a good question. I'm not even sure how the friend decided to jimmy their wrench into the situation came about - but speaking of watching Spiderman - now I don't even think going to see Batman next week is even happening. It was an awkward conversation - and then the conversation brought up to me - was just "completely out of the blue" from their perspective of conversation so now I'm left in the dark of what the eff is even going on.
  17. Did we make the pact of not getting dick together aint nobody getting the dick or the best friend? Because I'll go along with that pact with you - the best friend is just super over protective because of the abusive relationships I've been in in the past.
  18. Update to the date situation - they now ran away.
  19. The date I went on? Well the best friend decided to butt their nose in and now make things awkward discussing about what intentions the date has with me and doesn't want me getting hurt. The date respectfully said they want to keep that information between the two of us and discuss between the two of us... but I didn't have any part of the original conversation and now I feel panicked because now I feel like I'm implementing something that I'm not - and now the date is potentially going to run away. >_<
  20. Lovey, my mental health crisis just had me apply for school. So I'm right there with you. But I think you deciding to potentially strand yourself in another country is a bit more risqué than me potentially being denied schooling.
  21. Not voting yakie - still gonna go with a no on this one tho. Out of love. ❤️ Weeb.
  22. Thinking about how productive and nonproductive I want to be at the same time. Naps are in order. But I'm finally watching Attack on Titan. But I'm also making a bracelet but I also want nap. Halp.
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