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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Pondering what the fuck my goals are because I wasn't expecting a pandemic this year.
  2. I think that video might be evidence that he was at the club the groping took place at. The 'baby' in question might be some younger dude dancing that Cuba noticed while he was acting a fool on stage.
  3. Also, it might be hella awkward if you start playing that vid when your kids are in the room.
  4. *Sigh* I guess I'll post it: You can go through twitter and read women's stories about him groping them(what he got arrested for) when this was circulating too. He a trifling ass motherfucker.
  5. Your job sure sounds like they're trying to get sued.
  6. Can we go just one month without some kind of fuckery? I KNEW THERE WERE SNITCHES UP IN THAT BITCH! I KNEW IT! Shitty people are so fucking predictable which is why I kept my ass out of that group, and yup, someone was collecting names. Can't trust no one in this biz.
  7. I had one around maybe nine years ago, and I remember waking up so pissed off at just the thought of being back in high school.
  8. Good. You need to rest while someone else is helping with this bullshit.
  9. Me this morning: Oh look, an Artemis Fowl trailer! Me 10 seconds into watching it: What in the Percy Jackson adaptation bullshit is this monstrosity? Why? WHY, why, why do they keep taking something with a solid story that appeals to millions, and then erase all of it for the most generic plot possible that no one wants to fucking see? WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????????
  10. Happy Birthday! But why you playin' about 'fading youth' with your smooth as hell face while looking stylish as fuck too?
  11. Writing, getting dental work done, and choking on a tater tot.
  12. Y'all are some cold-blooded tacky ass mother fuckers.
  13. Fine, since it's your birthday: Happy Birthday, Best Naraku for today!
  14. I need to make more money than this chick out of pettiness. I'm so tired of people who buy their way in so easily, and then they'll always be on some 'If you work hard enough like me, you'll accomplish all your dreams too' bullshit when the majority of us don't have rich relatives filling our bank accounts like they do.
  15. I want a really nice hot meal right now, but I'm too lazy to do anything besides nuke a couple burritos. Delivery isn't an option because what I want is too far away. I played myself watching those damn katsu curry videos.
  16. This made me wince and laugh at the same time 'cause I can just see you chilling and getting your face done, and then the nose wax attack outta nowhere.
  17. Shut up, Sponges.
  18. Goody, I didn't get to listen to anyone die tonight, but hearing vehicles turning out of subdivisions onto the highway just on the heels of that car race pretty much means that it's inevitable.
  19. I know you don't want to do it, but fuck him and his friends. Your safety is the priority. I wish I could hug you and let you absorb some of my bitchiness because there's plenty.
  20. This is why fuckbois and group projects suck. I know you're yearning for human company, but being forced to walk home at 2 a.m. ain't worth that shit. Please start putting your feelings above others because we want you to be safe. Is there a convenient area close to your dorm that you can work from? If dude whines about it, be insistent about your safety. Also, is there anyone to talk to at your school about this?
  21. Youtube must have gotten shouted at a lot for it to be back up so quickly. It really is nice to have that music channel as an option for when I can't get my brain to shut the hell up.
  22. THIS. @That_One_Guy, the fact that you can get on stage knowing that shitty nights like that can happen is really awesome.
  23. Happy Birthday Mix!
  24. Are you like the work gossip or something? Because shit like that is how you'll always get drama coming your way.
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