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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Sorry. I'm bad at telling people this kind of stuff, but a few newer posters had come before you and we kinda forgot to tell them. So they just found out at random. I was hoping we could do better this time.
  2. Oh wait, 3 years? *Puts on serious hat* Were you aware that Luuv passed away?
  3. This is how you're gonna talk to your Maid of Honor? Well fuck you then. I ain't going to your vow renewal. Hmph.
  4. Buddy and Nab tied the knot. They're bickering like an old married couple as we speak.
  5. No one told me that Irrfan Khan died of cancer back in April 😭. He has my favorite style of acting where he was a quiet scene stealer. His demeanor was so nonchalant that at first you don't notice him, and then bam, your sole focus is on him without even realizing it.
  6. After seeing the first Terminator for context daggone it. Also watch T2 on the biggest screen you have access to because that just makes it more fun. I'm jealous of my younger self who got to watch it in a movie theater.
  7. The newer movies just couldn't grab that old magic. They had some good stars and some decent scenes in them, but they all needed better direction and writing. *edited to add that I haven't seen the last one that brought back Linda Hamilton*
  8. If you ever decide to watch them, go for the first 2 movies. The first one definitely has some 80's cheese on it, but I like watching both just to remember how exciting those special effects were back then. The Sarah Connor(played by Lena Headey) Chronicles tv show started out good, but I never had a chance to finish it.
  9. You mean the A.I. possibly seeing sides of humanity it never wanted to and then deciding to destroy us all? It does seem plausible.
  10. Fucking same. I kept hearing everyone talking about it and thought, it won't be that good. I was wrong. It did work out for me though. I got into it a few weeks before it ended, so I got to watch the whole series in one shot and experience the ending in real time with everyone else. Why does it have to be so fucking hot? Fuck Georgia!
  11. I see. So sneeze on you first and then run away. Got it.
  12. I brought up allergies in the post you first responded to. Try paying attention yourself.
  13. This says 8% of Americans have seasonal allergies, so by that standard, probably not the entire world.
  14. Why your old ass talking shit? I've got allergies during a pandemic with asymptomatic spread. Don't fuck with the person who randomly sneezes.
  15. Automatic disqualification. I'd volunteer to torture you guys, but I'm not gonna be around much for a while.
  16. Son of a motherfucking bitch. Why the hell did y'all put Haikyuu on sale? Fuuuucckk!!!! If I buy it, I'll feel bad. If I don't buy it, I'll feel bad. 😭 I blame my parents for this shit. They made me be born in Japan and had me watching anime as a baby. I could just buy the damn series if I wasn't such a slow writer. And also if I hadn't bought so much junk food, but these bitches out here are stressing me out. All the restaurants are jam-packed, a bunch of maskless people are at gyms and Karate places, and we're never gonna bring our numbers down. Those Haikyuu box sets will probably stick around for Black Friday, but it pains me that I'm missing out on this deal. Fuck you delicious cookies, chips, ice cream, and like eight different dips I have in the fridge. *Reaches for another pack of oreos*
  17. There was until I saw those stains.
  18. Buying clothes from Wish to see how close the item is to the actual picture is a thing. Viewers, including myself, were really curious about the wedding dresses.
  19. LOL! Holy childhood flashback, Batman.
  20. Yo I can't fuck with Wish after seeing a youtuber review wedding dresses from there. Like I know their stuff has to be made in the worst sweatshops(which is why I never bought from them before), but when the lady reviewing them was all "Where did these strange reddish brown stains and dirt on the dress come from?" while also taking out a bunch of needles stuck in the fabric, it just cemented in my head not to ever buy from them. I won't even give clicks to Wish unboxing videos anymore.
  21. Why'd they have to use clips from A Low Down Dirty Shame? 😆
  22. I haven't posted my full collection on this site yet, so I'll get on that Monday.
  23. Happy Birthday to Nameraka too!
  24. Happy Birthday Jackie!
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