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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  2. Gokusen
  3. I always took it as 'cold' meant disregarding your emotions for revenge so you would show your opponent no mercy.
  4. Casshern Sins
  5. Zettai Karen Children
  6. Witch Hunter Robin
  7. Ushio to Tora
  8. Last Exile
  9. Jormungand
  10. 😆 Messed up your own game.
  11. Utawarerumono
  12. What 90's show back then didn't have a corny theme song(excluding animated shows)?
  13. Saiyuki
  14. It's been years since I've watched that show.
  15. Natsume Yuujinchou
  16. Happy Birthday Katt!
  17. Is season 4 better than the third season? The third season annoyed me so much, that I dropped the series, and I know too few people currently watching to get an opinion.
  18. Of course the only decent sort-of diner around here is getting bad health scores, and why must Cookout have such shitty fries? In order to get my funds where they need to be to keep on track for next years goals, I need to put out 3 books this month. I can definitely pull off 2, but...*Sigh* Fuck publishing.
  19. I am also broke and won't have money until the end of January or February. Fucking holiday season when there are cool cheap stuff to buy along with all sorts of delicious food.
  20. Yuri on Ice I'm about to start Love Stage, so I don't know how good that one is. Edited to add that I second Nodame Cantabile if you haven't seen it yet.
  21. I have vivid memories of things related to food since I was four. Like I can remember when my dad first taught me how to use a computer at age five because at the time, he was peeling an orange for me while he had a box of French burnt peanuts on his desk.
  22. LOL! Rational thought doesn't break through my internal wails of despair.
  23. Why do you think I didn't click this topic until Gina @ed me?
  24. Because when I saw this thread, editing made me too stressed out to click it 😂. Since this is something that bothers me in stories a lot, I work very hard to ensure that the characters' personalities, and cause and effect from events try to work out as naturally as possible. Over the years though, I've given more writers slack for this because not everyone is writing under the same circumstances: different deadlines, different max word/page lengths, or if there's a company breathing down your neck to write something that appeals to the masses vs. what's more organic for the story. There are plenty of popular stories out there that ignore plot logic, so some publishers don't see it as something that can make or break a story for fans. If I'm really bothered by how out of character the actions were made for the sake of twisting the plot in certain directions, I'll google the author's circumstances at the time. Sometimes a divorce, death of a loved one, or major illness comes up, so while it is the author's job for a story to run smoothly without a reader thinking, "Why would the established characters do that?", I also accept that people are just human and that can positively or negatively impact one's enjoyment of a book. There's also a funny saying I see posted before the text in some online Chinese novels that goes like, "Please have mercy on me. This book is only as smart as the author is." 🤣I resonate with that a lot.
  25. *Contemplates the odds of someone being this into Jeffree Star's videos but is unaware of how racist he is*
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