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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I think Fuggs figured out his password once.
  2. It's painful to look at the places where the smileys didn't form.
  3. You can post them inside spoiler tags.
  4. Could you imagine the bragging rights you'd get if your naked body killed a man?
  5. Why don't you just eat catfish?
  6. I didn't know that Cara DeLizia from So Weird had been acting at such a young age.
  7. This.
  8. What the heck are you eating?
  9. At least you have pets that let you leave candy out like that. Our dog will scarf anything edible down if he sees it.
  10. I think I would be terrified of walking inside your place.
  11. DragonSinger


  12. Don't care. Being that fit and badass in Matrix made me crush on her for a while. Keanu looked like a vampire until the last couple of years, so Carrie Anne Moss couldn't help that. Oh and she's in Fido.
  13. Well excuse me for being a slower typist .
  14. When a person on pain pills hit the car I was in back in 2005.
  15. Maybe they're hoping to rake in tourist money. I am surprised that there aren't stores in the New England area.
  16. Which is some bullshit.
  17. The least surprising parts about your dream is that you fantasized about murdering people and running a plantation.
  18. You can have the weed, but I'm keeping the honey.
  19. *Clicks on Mochi's thread that has a text face as the title and then gets annoyed*
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