Oh that's right. You live in one of those sardine can cities up north, don't you? Down here I worry more about those assholes who don't know how to fry food and end up burning their apartment building to the ground.
I've never seen bugs go near mine. When it's out, I do tend to wipe it down if I think liquid has dripped anywhere on it because cleaning up after dried sugary drink spills is annoying.
After looking it up, even if there was a version without the walnuts, that is way too much going on for me. That seems like a really good snack if you're into athletic stuff though.
If there isn't a lot of demand for it in your area, then the stores near you might not have it on their shelves. Big chains like Walmart will still have them online, and you can do on-site pick-up to buy those kind of items without paying for shipping. I do this for my ramen and gummy multi vitamins.
On the regular cereal topic, I could go for some Cocoa Puffs or Oatmeal Crisp right now.
Which makes this feel so lazy to me. What was subtext is now explicit, and the director wants a pat on the back for it? Calling this crumb a historic moment when Moonlight is handing out steak dinners is just so peak white mediocrity that it pisses me off.