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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Kuroko no Basket 47 Y'all really have me curious about Dragon Maid.
  2. 67 and sunny!
  3. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. I hate release day. :'( :'( :'( :'(
  4. I'm an April baby too, so fuck 'em.
  5. Speak for yourself. I've actually seen him around since his Dinotopia days, and even remember how looking at him used to annoy me because it reminded me of how Joan of Arcadia ended just when shit was gonna hit the fan with a God's errand girl vs. the Devil's errand boy storyline. Anyways, Wentworth Miller is more known for Prison Break which is coming back and playing Captain Cold in the DC shows on CW.
  6. My plans were to get some chocolate, write, and look at beds. I got it all done, but testing out a bed that was way out of my price range probably wasn't a good idea. Once the dude had the massager on and my feet elevated, I didn't want to go back to the beds for poorer people. It's gonna be a long time before I can drop nearly 3 grand on just a mattress though. : (
  7. But in the end, it doesn't even matter.
  8. *Adds to watchlist*
  9. Good luck, Buddy. If you do go through with it, I hope this works out for you.
  10. It sucks that I can only watch instead of trying any of the moves because of my stupid back.
  11. I think I scared ours away. During their last visit when I said, "Sorry man, I don't do church," the guy kept repeating "Don't do church" like a broken robot, and he seemed really eager to get away from me. It's been 3 years since then, and that's the longest they've let us be.
  12. Jman's mad because Iron Fist is getting clowned on especially in comparison to Into the Badlands whose showrunners were like, 'Hey, our lead is like a total badass in martial arts, it'd be a good idea to actually cast someone good in it, don't ya think? Oh and everyone should have proper training for their fights.' Competent decisions like that are probably why Into the Badlands has scenes like this: While Iron Fist has badly cut shit like this because the lead actor can't even perform the simplest of fighting moves:
  13. Let it die, Sponges. Just let it die.
  14. DragonSinger


    I just go on a bunch of porn stars' sites where they post their own free porn.
  15. I'm guessing that you're talking about Hamilton going out of its way to cast minorities in a medium where they get few big roles. That is not the same as whitewashing in any way. I genuinely don't understand why people are too stupid to understand that different context doesn't produce the same harmful outcomes. I'm also meh on watching this movie because it just sounds dumbed down, and that will annoy me.
  16. The boot camp hospital was the only one I've been to that had anyone cooking your food to order. The rest were depressingly awful like the last one where I stared at their sorry excuse of a sugar cookie and wondered how do you fuck up something so easy.
  17. Kuroko no Basket 43
  18. Kuroko no Basket 37 Tetsuya 1 and Tetsuya 2 are so cute!
  19. Kuroko no Basket 35
  20. Kuroko no Basket 34
  21. Kuroko no Basket 31
  22. Kuroko no Basket 27
  23. Where do you live at?
  24. I think this was the episode where I became a big Melody fan because her presence stops Kurapika from being as insufferable as Sasuke(Yes, I know Sasuke came after, but he's a good example of douchiness for the sake of revenge). And I was rooting for the Shadow Beasts to die just because they're so fucking gross.
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