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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Kuroko no Basket 68
  2. Kuroko no Basket 66
  3. Kuroko no Basket 65
  4. Chamomile tea tastes good and makes you smell all florally. I don't think licorice root tea is gonna taste like the black candy that is an abomination in my mouth, but I haven't tried it yet.
  5. Just remembered what I was guzzling when my throat was last jacked up. Chamomile tea with honey and lemon throat lozenges.
  6. I have no clue if you're having allergy problems or picked up a bug, but putting 'pretty' in front of everything is one of my bad habits too. :-[
  7. Alrighty since the site is back up: Kuroko no Basket 60-62
  8. Another thing. I understand kids can be shitty, but I can't think of anyone who attempted or succeeded in killing themselves(with the exception of mass shooters) that would leave behind tapes like this. Not for moral reasons, but who reaches a state where they genuinely want to end their lives and are like, 'Hey, I'm gonna record a totz dramatic suicide note in the form of several tapes blaming everyone, including my friends for my death, and then mail them to a special person'? This doesn't even register as a weird white people thing to me, just completely ignorant of actual suicide.
  9. Maybe this is why, aside from issues that not just Mochi has touched on, I'm not interested in this show. When I was a teen, I just didn't get people who wanted to be popular, and it was hard to feel sorry for them when they made bad decisions based on that. As an adult, it's even more annoying to watch.
  10. Not my preference but acceptable.
  11. Haikyuu season 3 episode 10
  13. I would respect her if she did.
  14. Haikyuu season 3 episode 8
  15. DragonSinger


    Don't git bit.
  16. Haikyuu season 3 episode 4
  17. Your spider is such a pretty blue.
  18. Nanny jokes aside, I went to New York for a high school band trip. It was fun, but I wish we had seen more than touristy stuff like Times Square and museums. My group almost got to go off on our own, but everyone ended up being forced to wait an hour and a half in Central Park for another group whose dumb asses got lost in traffic. I remember being so pissed that day after walking by that same giant rock like the fourth time. I mean I didn't have to leave Georgia to see artsy folk sitting and talking on giant fucking rocks. And god I wish our band teachers had shared more of their plans before scheduling because the NBC Center tour was almost exactly like the CNN tour which most of us went to on a middle school field trip. I had my group laughing because I was muttering during the NBC tour, "Please don't do the green screen, please don't do the green screen," and then the tour guide shouted out, "Is anyone here wearing green?" Luckily, Phantom of the Opera had a damn good cast, going to the top of the Empire State Building is definitely a great memory, and I always get to remember causing that security incident at the Statue of Liberty.
  19. Well, I imagine Flushing is filled with nannies who have style and flare. ;D
  20. Is this about a recent show or movie? This type of thing is why I'm paranoid about finishing The Get Down Part 2 after seeing some comments.
  21. DragonSinger


    Hannibal Chewing Gum The Magicians
  22. Kuroko no Basket 56
  23. Kuroko no Basket 53
  24. Kuroko no Basket 50 It looks really cute from the gifs I've seen online, so I'm in. It'll be something nice to watch when I'm winding down for the night.
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