Nanny jokes aside, I went to New York for a high school band trip. It was fun, but I wish we had seen more than touristy stuff like Times Square and museums. My group almost got to go off on our own, but everyone ended up being forced to wait an hour and a half in Central Park for another group whose dumb asses got lost in traffic. I remember being so pissed that day after walking by that same giant rock like the fourth time. I mean I didn't have to leave Georgia to see artsy folk sitting and talking on giant fucking rocks. And god I wish our band teachers had shared more of their plans before scheduling because the NBC Center tour was almost exactly like the CNN tour which most of us went to on a middle school field trip. I had my group laughing because I was muttering during the NBC tour, "Please don't do the green screen, please don't do the green screen," and then the tour guide shouted out, "Is anyone here wearing green?" Luckily, Phantom of the Opera had a damn good cast, going to the top of the Empire State Building is definitely a great memory, and I always get to remember causing that security incident at the Statue of Liberty.