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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. DragonSinger


    No, because the leftover punctuation mark would annoy the shit out of me. I also haven't seen frog kid.
  2. First thought: I don't know who this person is. After reading the thread, I never would have known who this was(I did play a lot of Vice City some years ago) because I usually hate listening to radio personalities even when they're fake.
  3. The page of people you failed to see post before you.
  4. Congrats on being able to see your guy on a regular basis.
  5. It kinda turned me off at first, but then I realized these aren't characters you root for but look forward to when they fuck themselves over.
  6. I'm more likely to number them off by season if it has at least 20 episodes in a season. The 13 episode ones don't feel like full seasons to me, so i just count them all together. How it's counted on streaming sites I watch them on will also influence that decision. The last episode did leave me curious about how justified is fire/ice dude's hate toward his dad.
  7. Dropping the rest of Diamond no Ace for now. The first season was good, but the second one suffers from Naruto-itis. There are four minutes of action per episode mixed in with constant flashbacks that really don't add anything to the story, and then it ends on the most predictable cliffhanger. Yes, these tropes aren't new to shounen sports anime, but you can tell that it's being done to stretch out the show. Whether it's because the anime caught up with the manga or greed, it's an annoying practice that ruins good storytelling. My Hero Academia 17
  8. Diamond no Ace s2e13
  9. Diamond no Ace s2e4 I can't believe the second season starts with 3 recap episodes. Thank you, CR comments for warning people.
  10. Darn you, I was gonna post this.
  11. *Sigh* I understand how much of a pain that is way too much.
  12. All you have to do is buy from Walmart's website, and then choose in-store pick up so you don't have to pay for shipping. That's what I do when they have anime or games I know are never in stock. It's less hassle too because you don't have look for anything when what you want is already bagged up and waiting for you.
  13. He certainly was with my old MC Hammer doll.
  14. All Out 9 Edited to add in:
  15. I rarely watch current shows, so it doesn't even occur to me to look for one when I update this thread.
  16. I love how Mama Midoriya didn't just disappear after the beginning because it's great to watch her cheer on her son. And leave it to a true sadist like Midnight to turn a cavalry battle into a friggin bounty.
  17. My Hero Academia 14 *Sigh* I hate when really good shows have short seasons because it's like blink and you're at season 2.
  18. My Hero Academia 8
  19. Kuroko no Basket 75 Kuroko no Basket 75.5
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