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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Beelzebub 37 and I can't stop watching this ED song.
  2. Pajamas with cartoons on them.
  4. I'll watch it in the morning since I don't own a copy yet.
  5. DragonSinger


    Oh it's melon soda. You do have me curious about winter melon tea.
  6. You would edit during one of the few times I don't check the posts below me in the preview function.
  7. Bryan Fuller used to have a bunch of meetings with tv censors just to see how far he could push the envelope in Hannibal, which included very erotic gay sex scenes. I've only seen the first episode of American Gods(I'm playing catch up today), but I can already tell that Fuller is enjoying that HBO freedom. So in this case, I would believe the hype.
  8. DragonSinger


    I was looking for rice too because the soup and jelly is just not filling for me.
  9. DragonSinger


    This reminds me that I have some melon Ramunes to put in the fridge. Also yikes at dumbasses breaking the bottles for the marbles. Poof, it's a fun drink to have once you get the hang of opening them.
  10. Adblock got popular for a reason. Ads are annoying as fuck and yes even though I don't think there are malware/virus problems on sites like youtube, the type of ads chosen and them being unskippable still make them shitty. I'll give Twitter some credit though. I think they might be getting better with targeted ads because they've been sliding more Wonder Woman stuff and make-up tutorials into my feed. The fact that I can just scroll past them without drama also increases the odds of me checking them out.
  11. A lemon meringue yogurt and some water. I conked out earlier and after waking up so late, I really don't want a real meal right now. Tomorrow I'll eat a nice breakfast of brisket and potatoes to make up for it.
  12. I thought Requiem for a Dream was overrated as hell, but one thing I took from that movie is that I ain't ever fucking around with diet pills.
  13. PokeNirvash, I love using that old HxH song while writing creepy scenes.
  14. Streets of Fire was some 80's ridiculousness, but I did like it. The Resident Evil sequels and The Mummy 3, not so much. Scorpion King has its own faults, but the actors make it entertaining to watch(especially Kelly Hu wielding cobras as weapons).
  15. Probably because it has neat visuals to help the song get stuck in your head.
  16. This was one of my favorite episodes, and I love how Chrollo kills that dude because it's fucked up while being kinda pretty.
  17. The video was too long, but I do like the sense of humor.
  18. I'd be interested in it if it was big enough to fit in two hands.
  19. The like button doesn't show up for me on page 5 in this thread for anyone's posts. The rest of it looks normal.
  20. I haven't seen her around. Is she using a different name?
  21. If you had made them, I would have been all, "Goddammit, Rogue, why's you gotta be good at so many things?"
  22. It's one of my all-time favorite colors, but if I had to share it, it would be with the Pooh.
  23. IT'S MINE!
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