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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I am shamefully ignorant about the filming process despite all the other useless tv knowledge that I have.
  2. Founder of Diabolism 40 I need to go read/watch something happy after this.
  3. I'd tackle him and beat his ass while being very disappointed. I really liked The Mummy movies.
  4. It's a nice 'eh, fuck it' meal when you got snow in the south.
  5. This is based off of a Chinese Romance/Horror novel that is very popular right now, and if the story sticks to the book, it will be awesome. The gist of the trailer is that a bunch of warrior sects went to war with Wei WuXian(flute guy) because he went against their teachings and used the dead as weapons which is like heresy among them. Wei WuXian is killed, then the glowing Chinese letters surrounding the building on that hill is probably his soul being sealed, and the dude in white at the end, Lan WangJi, is the guy who secretly loved flute dude. Lan Wangji is a fucking boss, but he's super cute about showing his love for Wei WuXian after getting a second chance. It's up in there air how much of the romance will stay because of censorship(the sex scenes are definitely out ), but even if it does get downgraded to a bromance, I'll still give it a chance. It's very humorous in the beginning when Wei WuXian runs into Lan Wangji with his new resurrected body, but then you start getting feels when hints pop up about the tragedies that occurred after Wei WuXian died. It turns out that killing somebody who invented a bunch of zombie theories and weapons won't make all that knowledge go away like the sects hoped it would, and they ended up with copycats who had nowhere near the conscience that Wei WuXian possessed. Since how the war started or ended isn't explained at first, there's this mystery about how much was Wei WuXian actually responsible for what led up to the war. Especially since the sects have this habit of using Wei WuXian as a scapegoat for the corruption in their groups. Anyways I just wanted to post this because I'm down for creative horror whenever I can get it plus gay romance.
  6. French toast and bacon.
  7. Playing this near my parents would probably get me taken out of their wills.
  8. Actually pretty high according to social media. Sort of famous folks live tweeting romance books seems to be a thing again.
  9. Fried catfish and potatoes that I didn't have to make.
  10. You come across as saying that men aren't the problem when all this shit is what happens when you live in a patriarchal society that doesn't want to change. It can't be brushed aside and acknowledging that helps if you're a man(I'm assuming because your friend freaked out) bringing up female sexual predators. There are a lot of misunderstandings that can happen because when consent and sexual assault are brought up, mens' rights trolls come out of the woodwork and bork any real conversations trying to be had about this. I have no idea who you're replying to. Anyways, I don't really know much about the human aggression stuff, but I do know that there are women who treat people different from them like zoo animals and believe they're entitled to do anything to them physically without worrying about retaliation. I see this when white women are fascinated by black hair or our body types, in gay clubs where straight women go there to act like idiots, and at nerd conventions where my girl friends had to act as bodyguards for a male friend because multiple women slipped their nasty fingers into the back of his leotard.
  11. Definitely rape in this case.
  12. I wish it was easier for you to put this out there without any blowback, but our country sucks so much at letting people speak up safely about these issues. Do you have some place where you can vent anonymously just to see what the response to it would be like? If it's just here, we'll always have open ears.
  13. What kind of dog is it, and have your parents tried to do anything about the aggressive behavior?
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